Saturday, November 24, 2012

Wonderful Existence

Into the woods
when the air is sweet
tonight my love sings
like no other

on the top of the wire
two birds sit
and the souls of each
play to the night air
sweet music

The form, the form has become
a finely tuned instrument
God is plucking the chords
to a tune that is beautiful
low notes
high notes
all the same within this womb
that lives to know only joy

Did I leave everything behind
to find that you never left
that you were the one
always and only
but that was such a long, long time ago
and the night now is filled
with the call of the heart
that seeks nothing
to fill itself

And you?
do you not find yourself
beneath the stars tonight
perhaps looking out a window
peaking into the depths of the heart
of this wonderful existence
Where are you within it?
hopefully lost for just a moment
then you will know
of the song
that was forever whispering in your ear
come out and rejoice
be this love
that lies within
this wonderful living
beating heart
of the here
and now