Wednesday, November 28, 2012

If i could do these things

if i were the air
i would breathe life into the 
dry parts of your garden
that have not been tended to

if i were formless
i would move thru all barriers
light on your false wanderings
and dry your flowing tears

if i were unchanging
i would sit outside your window
like a mountain
in steady beauty as the passing shadows
dance around
and the night sky dissolves
giving way to color and light

if i were a river 
i would wander to your gate 
wash into your door
and bring you to your true mother
the deep mysterious ocean 

if i could fly
i would soar to the heights of space
perch on a branch and sing of the heart
so that you could hear it 
when you sit on the porch in the evening
and have tea

if i were the wind
i would call at your window
my song of emptiness
with a howl and a shake
so that you are startled
and shaken out of your dream

if i were the flowers
i would waft my fragrance near you
when you walk by
sweet and warm in the night air
and for a moment 
you would forget yourself
and sit on the big rock a while
so welcoming
gazing out into the evening sky

if i were the path
i would beckon you
through your experience that brings sorrow
to come to me
and begin 
and be a wanderer
a mystic
in search of truth
so that you could find happiness
and peace everlasting

these are just some of the things i would do
if i could
but i cannot
as i am not the doer
and do not move anything
this is the job of grace
come to know it
dear one
this is where the magic is.....