Saturday, November 24, 2012

The whole in the heart

There is a whole in the heart where all that enters
is forever changed
and even the tears of yesterday bloom into the rose,
the lilac and cherry blossom

there is a whole in the heart
where what has fallen behind comes forward
sheds it's cover and is revealed
for what it truly is
sweet clarity

There is a whole in the heart where
the monk, the beggar, the sick, the creative,
the ugly and beautiful are the same
as the light burns the face and name to ash
and the heart is revealed for what it has always been
Without separation
and at perfect peace

There is a whole in the heart
that shows where you have come from
where you are going
and what has captured you for awhile
meanwhile the sun shines warm day and night
the sky is alive with color
and life flows in all it's wonder
the child dances
and sleeps
the sun is there smiling
and will wait for all eternity


  1. Namaste-

    Very Nice indeed..Thank you.


  2. namaste, thank you for reading .. blessed Guru Purnima to you.. om shanti
