Saturday, November 24, 2012

Karishma (the miracle)

i have come
wanting to know who i truly am
and now i know the truth
i have always been this miracle of life
this love i gave to you 
this courage 
this strength 
nothing can take away
but these are only stepping stones on this path of life
i have now come to the end of this path
which is the beginning
now i know the truth
i have always been this miracle of life
do not look for me in sorrow
i have never lived there
find me in the soft rain that falls in autumn
find me in the warm summer sun
find me in the child's laughter and tears
find me in the full moon that reflects on the still lake
find me in the beauty of life
for this is who i truly am
Karishma - the miracle
though i suffered while in this body
this has all melted away
like the shadow flees at the rising sun
like tears dissolve within the warmth of love
like the drop dissolves within the ocean
for now i know the truth
i have always been this miracle of life
this fullness
this undying beauty
Karishma - the miracle


  1. Happy Birthday Paige -- 1/03/13
    Maha Shanti OM

  2. Namaste-

    Sounds like she was a wonderful person.

    OM Shanti.

  3. namaste, she is indeed... thank you for reading and appreciating...shanti om

  4. Namaste, beautiful and a little sad. Thank you. OM

  5. namaste, bittersweet .. but she is out of the suffering..shanti om
