Sunday, November 25, 2012

The cave of the heart

as the evening falls softly and the shadows recede
so the heart consumes the play of mind within it's
sweet essence
as the woodsman hits the tree in just the right spot
to make the whole thing topple
so pure consciousness strikes the structure of mind and the

walls come tumbling down 
as the tree grows to the heavens spreading it's
branches wide
so knowledge grows within spreading it's light to all

that come near
as the rains come to the parched earth leaving the
in full bloom
so does the soul rejoice in the blooming wonder of
as the depths of the sea are unknown vast brimming
with life
so is the depths of wisdom full holding lifes riches
as the raindrop trickles down the leaf swallowed by
sweet earth
so sorrow is absorbed by the heart as it is let go of
in joy
as the cave sits empty in the heart of the rock
from the winds of nature
so the heart sits empty within the seat of the soul
 protected from the knowing mind
 as the storm comes and clears the land pulling the
 tree from the roots
 so the storm of nature comes to pull one away from the
  mistaken shelter of mind
  as the sun shines eternal day and night giving life to
  so does the soul in it's purity shine like a jewel
  brighten humanity


  1. namaste, thank you for going thru the older writings and appreciating ... good to see... great day and om
