Saturday, November 24, 2012

Where the heart abides

The mind knows not the way of the heart
so do not be fooled friend 
it is the heart that lives in the seen and unseen and is never touched by separation
never speaks of another for it knows nothing of a *you and me*
But sits in perfect stillness, beauty - undying, unchanging....pure potential
this is where the heart lives
and no mind can go there -- not a single thought, no

matter how great or evil can touch or live in this purity
where the heart abides --

Think not of yourself as being special and resting there ....
as this specialness is where mind lives and thrives -- moves and brings you high and low
and tosses you in the waves that bring restlessness
to open the door to the heart, one must allow another song to come thru -- the song of pure life
that has lost the sense of a separate story ---

.....oh my how hard it is to let go -
but do not be fooled, no matter how you try to spin it
with mind in place, there is no peace -- there is death, rebirth
and cycling
save yourselves from this friends
and open the doors to another song-- the song of the pure SELF
the Truth
this is where the heart lives and sings it's song
that is completely different from minds ramblings
it is the song of pure life
ONE whole - complete - truth --
Eternal and pure in nature
What you truly are at the core
This is where the heart abides....