Sunday, November 25, 2012

Know the truth

 Know the truth to be like this
 like the moon stands out against the dark sky
 undeniable and alone

 like the tree is rooted to the earth
 inseparable, swaying in harmony with the winds of time
 like the light illuminates all
 like the mountain is sturdy and glorious 

 like a song with no singer
 like a clear sunny day

 like a burden finally thrown off
 like water recognizes itself
 like an empty valley that vibrates with music
 like the sweetest fruit
 like love with no lover
 like the open, glorious sky
 soaring within itself

 Oh beauteous one
 know the truth the be like this


  1. Namaste-

    Such Silence been pointed to in this one,Thank you.Om

  2. Namaste - ommm, good to see you here ... shanti
