Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Infinity, prayer and Guru's compassion (a bit of the journey shared)

when i was a child, i wondered about
how could something go on forever
it just seemed so huge and frankly kind of scary
i thought infinity was more for things like space
and the sky and all of that....
not for a small person like me
i tried very hard to wrap my mind around it
of course this was impossible
when i was a child

the mind kept pondering it and
wondering about something beyond
i noticed miracles all the time
when i prayed or hoped for something
it would come true
and so i kept doing this 
praying and hoping
still - not everything was made right....

i still didn't let go of this praying thing..
when things got hard especially 
(begging more like it)

then one day 
i had a strong urge to meditate
and did so with vigour and discipline
day in and day out
i prayed and asked God to be used 
for the *good of humanity*
it wasn't soon after this that the flood gates opened(kundalini really woke up) 
to write of the experiences that came would take a book
very hard, very scary and no end it seemed (this is it in a nutshell)

i spent a lot of time in nature
day in and
day out

one day when the mind was in a terrible spin
and the body was very ill
i used all my praying might to pray for a sincere teacher
and soon after this i found Guruji 
she was in India at the time and said she was moving to Seattle
(which was where i lived)
i knew nothing about a Guru
or anything about the path
i had just concocted my own practice
which wasn't serving me well
(this was obvious due to the shape i was in)

Guruji told me (the first day i met her)
to stop the praying (because these prayers
--as many prayers are )-- are all about **ME and what I want in
MY time.....
this was new news to me
i did what she said
(but it shook me up at first that she took away my
comfort blanket)
i was glad inside, however that this very last prayer
brought Guruji to me --
The greatest blessing one can have in
a lifetime is a sincere Guru
and she is definitely it --
She continued to take things away
(that were not serving me well, of course)
We do not know at the time that we are
our own worse enemy
she said (also, the first day i met her) - that i
needed protection from myself (the ego self)
.... this also shook me up

.....and so the kundalini path began ...

i have been on this path for 13 years...
it is a path that takes lifetime(s)
My son was about 8 when i first met Guru

a lot went on here in the middle -
i steadied out, worked as nurse - took care of my child --
along with much kundalini phenomena (still going on)
Many wonderful times with Guruji
as well as amazing pointings and jewels of her life and
wisdom that she shared.....
much confronting of mind and continuing the
arduous walk and work.... a few dips and one very bad dip
that woke me up to what surrender really is --
and what the compassion in tough love is really about....
it is TRUE compassion and love -- this is 100% known ...

.... also, yes my behavior has tried her nerves at times
and given her a head and heartache...
yes i have been stubborn
yes, i have been afraid (more like **terrified** of letting go)
yes, i have made the same mistakes as everyone else
yes, i have had many moments of tough love from Guruji
(which has been the best blessing ever)
** none get out of this and are treated as special cases ..
what is needed comes...  ***
yes -- yes....i kept going thru it all...
and Guruji's compassion pulled me through
every bit of it
it is the shining blessing of my life...
it is and has been worth every step....

......and the experience with infinity
this is when mind falls away 
one can indeed experience this wondrous state
can speak to this now
from direct experience 
no-mind is infinity...


  1. Namaste-

    This was very much enjoyed.I can really relate to some of this,especially the seeking at early age.Thank you again for all this wonderful writhing's.

  2. Namaste, Thank you again for reading the older writing. Many that become serious on the path began having experiences at a young age. Am happy the writing was was beneficial... ommm

  3. Namaste, Very heart touching. Brought tears again :-)
    Can retate here to wondering about it all, and asking to be shown the way. AS long as I rememeber I was allways wondering why am I here? WHat is this thing called life is for? THank you for sharing your journey. Guru Gs compassion is sure a 100%, have not walked very far here yet, but can tolally feel it in the heart. Thnak you for all you give. OM

  4. namaste, the questioning and wondering begin many times at an early age, but one has no idea what is really being sought.. that it is the dissolution of the *me* which is what reveals unwavering peace.. until a true master comes to point the way, we are really bumping around in the dark -- may you continue forward steadily on your journey.. though you have just begun and with a family, if the heart is sincere, things will continue to deepen until the right conditions arise and the whole thing blows out.. none know when this moment will be, but it *will be* if one continues... shanti om

  5. Namaste and Thank you for your Grace. ANd inspirational advice. Shanti OM.

  6. Namaste,
    Very nice sharing of your journey...
    Thank you.

  7. namaste, most happy to share ... thank you for reading and om
