Saturday, November 24, 2012

The dance that needs no partner

 come dancing this evening
 to the tune of your heart
 the rhythm that flows from the breast of all
 the beauty that lights up every eye
 the light that shines on through every passing phase
 come melt into the stream that has always been
 flowing nowhere, yet always being here
 the same

 come dance to the beauty that needs no partner
 to the song of the self that can never leave
 to be in love is but a drop of this self
 come drink the whole sea
 drown in this bliss that has never been different
 than what you truly are
 what is there to seek when this life is here and now
 when this dance has never stopped
 when this tune is perfectly divine

 drop the veil that hides
 so very flimsy
 nothing has ever been there
 this heart rests quiet as the deep mysterious night
 so still
 so still
 come dance to the beauty
 to the flow that never dies
 what rejoicement in this
 come dance