Saturday, November 24, 2012

Love the dance

 Love the dance that is yourself
 never departing, but always finding itself HERE
 breath in the fragrance that is yourself
 as the music has never stopped
 it is endless like the ocean that is
 forever singing of life

 there is nowhere that love will not be
 when the love is true
 not colored by something other
 or caught in a net of fantasy
 love will be the essence that is uncovered
 that has spoke of itself to you for so long
 like the wind is felt on the face
 and the feet feel the sweet earth
 this call has always been

 turn towards the sound that sings of no other
 truth will be found there
 like a jewel that has never been tucked away
 but always out there in openess and joy
 singing of itself in glory
 as the trees spread it's branches far and wide
 and the moon reflects its light on the still lake
 as the mountain sits strong and steady
 and the bird sings without restraint to the morning light
 truth is HERE
 and is forever singing it's song
 in silence