Thursday, November 29, 2012

Can you not laugh?

it is just a bit of silliness
don't you think?
that you are the truth at heart
and do not know it

it is just a bit of a joke
that the universe plays
on many
that watch the shadows
in the mind 
and do not come to bare
themselves in the light

it is just a comic type
of thing
that you ask to know 
but you do not see it

that you are what the earth
and heavens and skies
are made of and live inside
that you are the moons

.....and the shadows, really
are so very light and nothing
just dream stuff 
that isn't even true or 

it is really very funny
that you don't laugh at this
and take the mind oh so serious
like it has some true knowledge
it is only an energy that is playing out
and has captured you

can you not laugh?