Tuesday, May 7, 2013

true master

a true master has stopped attempting to control anything
and has died away in the heart
where there is no division
this one is not a master *of something* or attempting
to have power over anything...
his mind is still and by this in itself...
there is mastery ....
which truly means *lord or yourself* ...
this is a one that is not pushed and pulled about by the
mental chatter any longer...
there is no more *being controlled* by mind and thoughts
it is the great paradox, that when one attempts to control...
the mind spins out of control...
and vice versa...
the mind does not live in paradoxes...
it lives in blacks and whites and every shade in between...
but the simultaneous all and nothing ---
the true death that brings pure life about at the same time ...
what can mind know of this?

the true master does not sit on a throne
or seek out others to look up to him
what has this to do with being still and at perfect peace?
what more is needed in this completeness
that carries no drop of *other*?

the true master is not a man of action
he is *actionless* in the way of not being a doer
the mind is no longer in the driver's seat...
what remains?
pure intelligence ...
nothing higher or lower than this...
just is ...

the true master is no longer in suffering
as he is the first --
which means primary or prior to the story of me and mine
he does not cast a shadow any longer
or look to the world as different than himself
he is the same everywhere
in the same consciousness that is not divided
the shadowless constant...

how can you find him?
*by being still
how will you know him?
*by being still
how will you be like him?
*by leaving mind to die away, and not call it back
how will you see him?
*you will not
he is your very self
how will you manifest him?
*you will not -- grace will remove the blinders
and then the truth is revealed
how will you befriend him?
*by knowing your own heart
how will he come to you?
*by being quiet
how will he make himself known?
*through grace, deep peace and joy
how will he free the soul?
*by pointing within
how will he make me like him?
*by shaking up the private world,
but the man must let it go, and sink into the heart
where all falls away to be made in truth


  1. Namaste, and thank you, very enjoyed heart pointings today. OM

  2. namaste - glad to hear it is appreciated... shanti om
