Thursday, May 16, 2013

reality so right

forgive me
i have not been right in mind 
for sure 
i have been *wrong* in mind 
because there is nothing *right* in it 
i have taken mind to be wrong
but to mind this is not right
i have taken reality to be right
to mind this is wrong
see, in mind even if you are right
you are wrong 
and if you are wrong, you are wrong 
in mind
there is nothing right


  1. Namaste, This feels funny, if I will think about it I will not figure it out anyways. Thank you for the obvious truth. OM

  2. namaste, it is funny... mind is so backwards.. shanti om

  3. Namaste, thank you for this writing, simple and light. The comment ("if I will think about it I will not figure it out anyways") is funny too, thank you for the laugh. Om.

  4. namaste -- you are welcome.. it is so absurdly funny in it's way... glad you had a laugh.. om shanti
