Sunday, May 19, 2013

this one, so blessed

blessed is he that rights the wrongs 
blessed is he that purifies his own soul
blessed is he that falls not away from the real
blessed is he that lives in the moment
blessed is he that takes nothing away
blessed is he that takes nothing from the world 
blessed is he that takes nothing from the well of life 
blessed is he that takes nothing from experience
blessed is he that does not cling to the past
blessed is he that forgets the world and it's dance of change
blessed is he that forgets the world and it's shadows that play about
blessed is he that sits in the heart as love and light 
blessed is he that sits in the heart as non-dual perfection
blessed is he that flows with life as a river without blockages
blessed is he that sees all as his own soul shining
blessed is he that sees all as not to be attached to 
blessed is he that sees all as not be possessed 
blessed is he that does not shield the heart from life 
blessed is he that does not create a world from thought 
blessed is he that does not cover light by thinking and thinking 
blessed is he that lives simple and quiet with what is here
blessed is he that though with a body knows he is not that 
blessed is he that though with a body knows he is Shiva always
blessed is he that though comes and goes in body 
knows he does not come and go in truth 
blessed is he that though moves about in the world is not of the world
blessed is he that though sees the world of plurality knows he is eternally singular
blessed is he that is still and present and not within mental unrest 
blessed is this one of all 
this heart that is full and always 
this one that is here 
this one 
so blessed 


  1. Namaste, beautiful clues and reminders. Just Like a map :-) Eternally grateful !!! OM

  2. namaste, glad it is appreciated ... may stillness reign om shanti
