Sunday, May 12, 2013

what will you follow?

so much of the men that come to be freed
are not to go to the end 
this is a phenomena that is quite common
and it is a shame truly
because if a man is desirous of liberation 
why would he return to the land of shadow 
after treading a path that is pure?
it is because ego is so very crafty and offers up
scenarios of the grass being greener elsewhere 
and that something is wrong with grace as given
a man then, becomes ridden with doubt
and begins to pay attention to the ramblings of mind 
and follows after it 
as a sheep would follow a herder that is to lead him
to pastures that are not sustaining to heart and soul..
for the one steady in nature
he will continue onward
he will not be dissuaded by the calls of mind to come hither 
and be another way --
and be within the play of maya and shadow ...
he will be settled inside himself knowing the mind is not true 
and is not to be heeded 
he will take the lamp of the teachings and find succor there 
this is not easy souls 
but it is the only way to move out of this way of feeling apart 
it is not easy at all...
but the one that is to go on will be a true one for certain
he will not be back to the mind to go up and down there 
he will be seated in the o ne of all
and make the world a better place simply by *being* 
and bringing forth honest words of truth
this is what will bring light to the world bit by bit
and this is what is so greatly needed in a world 
that has ventured so far away from what is real
what can be said more ...
if you are one that has ears to hear...
you will know what is being spoken of 
and you will live to be free for the sake of all --
but first and foremost for yourself to be out of suffering ...
there is nothing better than this or more precious 
so be of it my friends of heart 
be the great and mighty o ne, the undying light 
this is the way now 
follow ...
and be of truth...