Friday, May 3, 2013

pure life..

you can be touched by the poem that flows..
how very sweet to the ears and fresh in it's voice
you can love the blossom that falls from the tree
bright in it's descent to the earth that awaits...
you can behold the sunrise
as beauty that aches deep within
but from where does this beauty come?
have you put your heart to this?
and from where does it return?
you can dig down to the roots
with all your strength and find a depth
not known before
yet there is something beyond this
that is to be the rich life of all
and this is far more rich
than anything that is found by effort ...
you can dance with the day that opens
up great wonders...
and find comfort in this world of yours..
yet dear soul,
what lies beyond this and still beyond
and what ends the whole thing?
and begins pure life?
have you put your heart to this?


  1. Namaste, Thank you. My heart is opening by reading. A very gentle soft feeling. Very deep appreciation for the flowing grace. OM

  2. Namaste - thank you for your comment... great night and om

  3. Namaste- Very nice - thank you!...Om Shanti
