Tuesday, May 14, 2013

in you, Shiva

in you
the mind is stilled and pure
in you the light is all
in you the created is not separate
in you the timeless is what is real
in you the tides have been settled
in you the tree of knowledge is made manifest
in you kali has done her work and is the same as you
in you Shiva
the love of the heart lives and breathes
in you the soul of all the world is bared
as one
in you the birth and death are not present
in you the seasons of change are not present
in you the persona is not to be shown
in you the masks of fear and sorrow are not to be shown
in you the falling away is done and over
in you the grief of loss is over
in you the attachment to world is over
in you the searching is over
in you the movement is over
in you the praying and hoping are over
in you the joy that has always been present is freed
in you the pure love that has always been present is freed
in you the fulfillment that has always been present is freed
in you the crying for freedom is stilled
in you the days are made changeless and perfect
in you the days flow on undivided
in you the world of many ceases to be and light shines full and complete
in you the world of many sheds it's false way and light shines full and complete
in you thought dies and does not return for what remains is love and peace and stillness
shiva in you all is right and well
and eternal within peace


  1. Namaste, So beautiful. there is nothing except the reading when I read it. No place for mingling mind. Yesterday when talking to my husband saw it as talking to myself LOL It was such a joy! All of a sudden Just a play of consciousness, two bodies but no difference. Even looking at my slippers was no difference, just joy. Thank you for it. OM

  2. Namaste, this is how it feels as things are deepening ... may you continue forward into the beauty of the absolute... shanti om

  3. namaste and great night to you... om
