Saturday, May 11, 2013

true yogi

instead of looking to the shadows
the yogi that is to be a light for humanity 
looks inside where the heart is shining as a beacon
he makes himself in harmony with life like a river 
that flows 
he forgets the world with it's unrest and 
takes the heart to him 
as a yoke that is not to be separated 
he prays to shiva in quietude 
as a one that is not separate but dwelling as 
perfection that is to be fulfilled 
he treads on the earth with bare feet and bare form
as if he was first born 
not covered and self-conscious in body 
not ashamed of being out in the open within life as it is
he treads on the bare ground as a one like all creatures of 
heaven and earth 
and does not put himself above or below anything in the mind 
because he is to be taken in the fires to burn 
and just how high up is this?
what is burning are the thoughts that one is above or below 
or separate --
this is what is to be turned to ash as it is as false as a blinder 
on the eyes that makes one see only one particular way --
and not anything else...
it is as false as a beautiful rose covered by the earth and not to be 
seen and enjoyed in it's fine beauty and fragrance ....
so these thoughts are to be destroyed  --
in the heat of kali and left to fall away leaving that which cannot die
which is truth 
the yogi seats himself on the ground of being 
this is what is the resting place
it is the ground of all -- and sits as the SELF which is 
pure and undivided...
the yogi makes himself a dhuni fire to sit near which is the 
representation of shiva and kali in union --
like a burning glow of love and light and 
yet very much able to destroy the unreal nature that clings to the being 
and make it not return
this is where the yogi sits which is what also represents the teachings and 
potent mantras that are infused with Guru's grace 
the yogi lights the world up with heart --
and leaves it to be as it is ---
those that are open and feel it and hear it deeply where words do not touch 
will come near...
those that are in their shell of mind and have no interest or auspicious conditions 
will pass it by, absorbed in mind and shadow...
this is what is happening in the world always ...
a turning inward...
or a movement outward (which is where the majority of humanity live)...
but the yogi does not live in what the world is or is not doing ...
he lives within stillness always...
though his mouth may move and words come out to speak..
he is not there in the words or the speech
he is not in the manifestation of the form...
he dwells as pure consciousness within and without ...and everywhere in between...
as the ocean cannot be divided 
so a mind that is purified cannot be separated --
this is the true yogi..
as the wind cannot be contained 
so a mind that is purified cannot be contained 
this is the true yogi..
as the sun does not disappear, but only is covered by clouds 
so the mind that is purified is like the sun that shines eternally....
this is the true yogi...


  1. Namaste - very grateful for this writing -- shanti om

  2. namaste, thank you for your comment -- great day and om

  3. Namaste, Thank you very much! It is always very appreciated here. OM

  4. namaste, you are welcome... shanti om
