Sunday, May 5, 2013


the man of knowledge
abides in the heart within crystal clear stillness
which is not apparent
to the senses...
he moves like open clear space...
he moves like wind in the way of coming in
and wiping all clean in one fell swoop
to make those that are unaware, aware..
he moves like a knife slicing thru granite --
how is it done?... it is not known by mind ..
as it is in the heart of grace, these ways....
he moves like a haunting presence that enters into dark places
and steals the heads that think and dream
and takes them to hold and call to mother, here ...
take and put away in the universe to fall --
so this seeker awakens then...
and bears no marks of ignorance such as attachment to form and mind ...
for nothing remains but truth --non-dual, pristine and glorious ...
spontaneous as pure life that appears..
what then is there to do?
what is there to know?
this mystery has no mind within it ...
the man of knowledge is stillness embodied..
in this way, he moves...


  1. Namaste, so beautiful! So want to be this man of knowledge that moves in the heart, All the time. At times it feels like pure intention is enough to move into the heart. OM

  2. namaste, the main thing is to keep going until all thoughts die away, and stillness is what remains... shanti om
