Friday, May 10, 2013

seeker, keep on...

seeker beware,
do not fall into the same old ruts of mind
bring yourself up and stay steady
go onward thru the driving rains and winds of mind
go onward into the sun of the heart where truth will be found
go onward into the sea of knowledge
go onward into the mighty o ne that carries no sorrow

seeker beware,
do not stray off course into thoughts and
get lost in fantasy of what is to come
or what has been lost --
for this is not to bring about rest to the soul
and rest is what is needed to continue forward
into that which is unknown and yet is the best
of all
as it is of great peace, beauty and joy...

seeker beware,
do not follow the course of mind and concepts
as they are empty and untrue
they will lead you to waters of impurity and suffering
they will call you to believe that you are something unreal
they will call you to seek something in the reflections that are
like mist on the water

seeker beware,
do not settle for a little bit of joy that comes and goes...
be set on the divine, the mystic, the saintly way  --
the buddha nature that does not perish, haunt, ring of pride
or false ways
and lives eternally as sat chit ananda...

seeker beware,
do not sustain yourself on thinking
but bring the bread of the wise to your lips and
eat of this in joy and surrender
then you can journey onward into the sea of purity
where the gem of the heart dwells
and the world disappears not to return and distress the soul
for this is not correct to be within unrest..
it is not what you are truly in reality
you are the light of all
and to come into it
you must keep on in love and light
seeker,  keep on...


  1. Namaste, Grateful for this reminder, specially this morning. Grace has nailed it on the head again. Mind is spinning out of control since last night, but when reading your words something deep inside has its calm stedy presence, and it has nothing to do with the mind at all. OM

  2. namaste - good to hear -- shanti om

  3. Namaste, thank you for this and all writings, they remind of the self and help in staying steady. Om.

  4. Namaste - you are welcome - very glad it is an aide to remaining in the heart and steady... great day and om

  5. Namaste- Nice words of encouragement, thank you! - Om Shanti
