Wednesday, May 1, 2013

breath of truth..

my love
the seas are yourself in reality
the life that is blooming your soul truly
the child that cries and laughs your SELF
and all that carries itself to be in joy
is the one heart
for if you are another way...
i am not sure what this can be ...
it dies away with the dawn
just how real can it be?

my love
the man that sorrows not is a man of God
he takes nothing away within to roll around
his mind like a coveted thing ...
he brings his heart to the moment to be seen for all
that come to him
and flows in the way of nature
and rises above the shadows like a full moon
he frightens the ego by being mere presence
and shows not a sword or a weapon to kill the suffering
but simply lives as this light of all
he safeguards nothing for what is there to keep?
when this light is all and nothing at the same time
for him that lives and breathes truth
he knows not your name or face in reality
he knows you as being the same consciousness
yet not as a concept or thought or image
never, ever this ...
as the still waters of joy
that live here


  1. Namaste, this brought some tears. Thank you. OM

  2. Namaste, and the picture is just simply said it all. It resonates In the heart. OM
