Saturday, May 11, 2013

if you are sincere...

if you are a one that is sincere in heart 
do good and right with yourself and others
so that there are no actions that bring 
you to grieve later...

if you are a one that is sincere in heart 
come under the halo of a perfected being and 
lay your life there to be purified ...
for there is only good and not bad that will come of this ...

if you are a one that is sincere in heart 
make haste to know the o ne 
as if there is a great thirst 
that will not let go 
until the refreshment of non-dual consciousness
is tasted 

if you are a one that is sincere in heart 
keep the focus on God and love and light 
not on bitter or angry feelings 
as these will only fester and bring pain to the soul
which does not help to bring freedom

if you are a one that is sincere in heart 
lay your burden down here to be swallowed by grace 
for there will be no joy and lightness that comes from
carrying a burden long and long 

if you are a one that is sincere in heart 
tread steadily to the glory of Shiva
like a man that is not to be led astray by anything 
that sings of *other* ...
yet be open in nature to what comes and goes 
without attaching ...

if you are a one that is sincere in heart 
do not worry about the body 
for it has it's time like all else and will eventually pass
do not waste the time that is given now
and make efforts to know yourself
as existence, consciousness and bliss

if you are a one that is sincere in heart 
set your fear to rest 
because all that have entered liberation say 
*have no fear* and this is to be heeded well
and not just heard and dismissed 
for fear is a great block to freedom 
as well as distraction of mind...

if you are a one that is sincere in heart 
stop focusing on your little world so much 
and what is to come and go within it ...
and be free of this anxiety and thought that keeps on..
see it as an empty playing out 
and set yourself apart from the ramblings as a one that is 
detached and at rest...


  1. Namaste, Thank you ! Grate read! Very touching in the heart. OM

  2. namaste - thank you -- may your day be within peace om shanti
