Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Guruji (a great light)

she came to be out of suffering
and shed of the false ways 
that robbed the mind of the light 
she came to find the knowing 
beyond all knowledge
when she came 
there was little in the way of writing
of kundalini
there was only a book or two 
to help bring understanding and these 
were not good teachings 
as they came from minds that were still 
in suffering 
so she could not find true guideance 
for a long, long time 
she kept her mind on the possibility of 
being free 
yet did not know when the whole thing 
would end 
or how it would play out 
yet she continued forward
and this was not easy at all
for what came from her life was mud
from past choices 
and this was to sit thick for many a day and 
the mud of family drama
the mud of seeking another to love and to be loved 
the mud of wanting to find something in the world 
that would put the ache to rest 
and stop the thoughts that ran about 
onward she went through these scenes 
and many times falling hard 
and up again 
driven by the winds of the desire to be free 
and the fruits of her efforts from lifetimes 
sometimes blossoming 
and then falling back into the darkness 
not seen or felt 
yet she kept on 
when the time came to leave her home and go to india 
in search of a Guru
she went alone
not knowing what or how it will all unfold 
she went 
taking herself only 
scared? yes!
but on she went into the unknown land 
that was very foreign and also dangerous 
for a woman traveling alone 
she found little at first 
much masquerading of truth 
and much false ways and dishonorable 
but finally came upon a man that seemed 
to be sincere in heart 
and she came to find him to be her Guru
now there is much more to this story that is quite 
beautiful and of grace 
but this is the main feeling 
and he was a stern man 
and did not let one word slip by that was 
out of line with what a seeker should say to 
a Guru
he would give a look that burned the soul 
and singed the heart 
and made one shut up 
this was done without delay
and so this was her Guru
during this time much came forward 
in the way of deep direct insights 
and openings and understandings 
and blossomings and falling away
yet still not the end that was sought
one night she was laying in bed 
and knew she was not the mind 
and sat straight up in bed 
saying "i am not those things!!"
this direct knowing was to stay with her 
but still the mind moved here and there 
there was during this time 
a very graceful contemplation that came forward 
about the pure SELF 
that was delicate and yet powerful 
majestic and very much capable of 
breaking down the mental energies of mind 
this came forward spontaneous as anything 
then what happened was that she shared 
some of her writing with her Guru and he 
spoke to her strongly about it 
as she should be in full understanding 
to write this ...
well she was very proud of her writing and this 
was a blow to ego indeed 
and mind had some things to say about it 
and then she went still and mute for 3 days 
due to the strong shock of this 
she continued to move forward 
with her Guru giving satsang as she 
gave service in the best way possible 
and mostly she was quiet about it 
most grateful for what was given 
she was not with her 
Guru long 
she entered realization on the banks of the ganges 
and after this 
the world she thought she knew had vanished 
without a trace to remain
the *me* had been dissolved 
and there was only remaining a rich, still presence
that has not wavered for many years 
her Guru questioned her on this in which she 
answered his questions perfectly 
and he gave her the Ashtavakra Gita to read which 
was to confirm her state of consciousness 
and he told her to go forward as a Guru 
and that my friend is just a snippet of the story
of our dear Guruji 
she is a great light for all that have ears to hear 
and eyes to see...
she has risen up from the mud of great suffering 
and tapasya
and what remains is the light of truth 
a great blessing for humanity indeed


  1. Namaste - excellent piece on our Guru! Reminds me of the amazing bravery she had to complete the journey.

  2. Namaste, Beautiful picture of Guru G :-) Thank you for it!! OM

  3. Namaste - you are welcome -- yes, that picture is beautiful.. shanti om

  4. namaste - Guru is greatly courageous.. shanti om

  5. Namaste, very grateful for this writing. it is always inspiring to read Guruji's journey, She is indeed a great blessing for all. Om.

  6. Namaste, Thank you. Guruji is very inspiring indeed.
    Om Shanti

  7. Namaste,

    Thank you for this, very nice! Would love to get all the details of her journey like in an Autobiography or something...


  8. Namaste - you are welcome -- great day and om

    1. Namaste

      This is very inspiring and heart touching. Thank you.

      Om Shanti

  9. namaste, you are welcome -- great evening and om

  10. Namaste - very beautiful ... guruji's journey such a gift ... Light ...much appreciation -- shanti om

  11. Namaste - this is a bit of it -- glad it is appreciated - om shanti
