Saturday, May 4, 2013

which man are you?

a man that moves about in the world is
a man that can be free or bound 
his vision can be within or focused on externals
he can be like the sun and bring fresh life to humanity 
or like a shadow that makes of this world to continue 
in ignorance...
he can be a man that brings happiness to the heart..
or stays hidden in his ways and not come out to be 
made in truth....
dear souls that seek...
why is this so?
if one man can move out of the shell of mind 
why not any?
truth is not just meant for some and not for others..
it comes to those that have pure motive and open hearts 
and make efforts...
as well as stay steady...
now blessed soul, which man are you to be?

oh sadhu's, saints and masters
you are this inside 
may you free up the spell of maya and live here 
pure and wholesome 
as the open meadows and innocent life that is about 
oh sadhu's saints and master's that you are within
may you rise safely to the o ne 
and put out your false ways 
in the great ocean 
to dissolve and die there 
oh sadhus, saints and masters 
be free like this as you are 
not in the shaded byways of mind 
for i have seen you present here in truth 
and know you are this 
not away in thought 
you are like this 
a man of knowledge 
be this 
or may kali cut away all that is known
and your soul be bared to the open air
to finally breathe fresh life in the lungs 
and the confusion fall..
and the mind awaken
oh sadhu's saints and masters 
you are perfect inside
be true and real
come home 
and live


  1. Namaste, May Kali cut away all that is known. Thank you for this. Greatly appreciated! OM

  2. Namaste - you are welcome... shanti om
