Thursday, December 27, 2012

there is no magic pill...

what is to be done 
when the end of life is near?
there will not be a compassionate voice that whispers
sweet words to you
or pats you on the back for all the good deeds done
or gently takes from you the suffering mind
that has been so greatly guarded
there will not be a consoler to listen to 
your cries and pleading calls to wait!, stop!
i am not ready...  
may another breath be upon my lungs and 
another wave of strength be upon my legs so as 
to stand sturdy for even a few more hours...
there will be nothing forthcoming to 
bring the body back to what it was or the 
life back as it was cherished so dearly...
your cries will not be taken into account
for death is completely impartial and all 
that has been so very dreaded inside
as the thinker has thought ---
*oh my, a day will come when this very life will end*
and this day *will* indeed arrive and 
so very swiftly too...
my friend, there is no time to wait as 
cannot it be seen that all is taken eventually?
cannot this be seen that the body sinks quickly 
and carries no peace that is lasting
and the sons and daughters so cherished 
grow and go their own way....
the decaying bits of life on the pavement under
the feet and the chill air arriving after the warmth
of yesterday....
all changing so swiftly 
so how then how can you deny that what you hold as 
your own will remain?
or that you indeed own anything at all?
and my dear,
when will you truly begin to let go of the 
conditionings that hold you so captive?
if not now, it will not come at the end easily
not in any way imaginable
is this not enough that shouts to you
shed the wandering ways that create a false
cover and hold you in a blind way...
loose it now and start to *see*
do not feel that there is so much time 
to wait
because there will not be a magic pill
or a sweet word that makes it all right...
one needs to do the work of *seeing*
the false ways that are driving...
and sink into the pure moment...
rest there without grasping
let go of seeing your life and what is in it
as your own....
for this is what creates fear and unrest...
as it is known deeply within that this
is indeed not true
because nothing can be held for long...
so go into that fear
and find it holds no substance 
and cannot keep you in a grip
keep going 
and do not stop until the peace that 
passes all understanding is revealed 
and it *will* be 
if one continues
without looking back
and without pining away at 
what is to be lost...
because in the end nothing is 
but the suffering mind
and life continues to flow
in its pure state
minus the *me* center

so may you begin friend
as this is the only means to
everlasting peace
there is no other way
not through family, friend or any
only through diving deep within the soul
will this truth be revealed
that is to never leave
or bring a single drop of suffering
oh friend
how glorious is this?

may you begin...

maha shanti om


  1. Namaste - true that, unfortunately no magic pill for this ;-)

  2. Namaste - makes it all the more worthwhile... shanti om

  3. Namaste, great pointings for everyone. Thank you. Om.

  4. Namaste - you are so welcome... great day to you...shanti om

  5. Namaste, A great reality check :-) Thank you for this. OM
