Thursday, December 27, 2012

Diksha Ceremony

there was much offered in the past (by Guru) in the way of ceremonies
and practices that are not so freely given now
this is because many students have come asking for blessings
stating that the heart and mind are ready for a deeper commitment to the spiritual search
but later, left the path when something in the world was deemed more desirable
this happened so often that grace that flowed so abundantly back in the earlier days
dried up --
there was much hypocrisy, false words spoken and actions that displayed so clearly
the seekers heart was never in the right place to begin with....
these ones chose to take advantage of what was offered in a way to *gain* something
for themselves ---
it just looked like a good thing at the time and when the road got 
rocky ...  they bailed .....  
a very sad happening
have witnessed it so much over the years and
not just by newcomers, but just as much by those that have been on the path
many a year....  
this is why things have changed so dramatically in the ashram...
it is a direct outcome of those that come with wrong intentions and false words..
by no means is it because Guru is not generous in giving...

Diksha is one of the ceremonies that is not forthcoming like it was....
and it is uncertain what will take place with it.... so do not want to give the impression that it 
is offered freely in the least...
the purpose of writing about it is to give a *feel* for what it is...
then those that are indeed committed within can nourish what it stands for in heart and mind...
as this is what truly really matters.... 

Diksha is initiation given by Guru as a means to bond the seeker to the spiritual path
seekers that take diksha are to be dedicated and sincere within as well as (ideally) desire
to walk the path for a lifetime(s)..
however, (it used to be) that diksha did not carry the heavy commitment of the
renunciates such as celibacy and letting go of worldly life --
(though most, if not all of the sannyasis have taken diksha first)
will say however that the path has now changed so that those that receive the *deeper* teachings
are to now be within the renunciate life ...
these are the only ones that will be offered diksha and/or sannyas (when and *if* this blessing comes forward again in the future)..
this is because the path laid out by Guruji is meant truly to be for those that are 100% dedicated
and are within the mind-set of a renunciate ...
it cannot be walked with one hand gripping tightly to the world and the other attempting to hold  to the path....
there will be no lasting progress this way as it works against the goal of the practices ...
(which is to cut attachments and conditionings so that ultimate liberation can be revealed)...
if there is an unwillingness to let go within, then the energy is working against the grain really
which is not for the best...
if the heart truly desires to be within the world, then better to be honest with this....
this is why *friends of the path* was created
so that those that desire to be in the world
and still continue a connection with the beginning practices and teachings can do so...
such is the way of Guru's grace....

The Diksha Ceremony

The seeker wears white to symbolize purity and coming into the ceremony *fresh*
wiped clean of the past and worldly attachments...
the seeker brings a gift and flowers to offer Guru to show gratitude for the
blessing of initiation as well as the great honor of being in the presence of Guru -
the sadhaka is asked to kneel and propitiate Kali as a way of showing dedication and
offering over of the heart and mind to the path.....
then the sadhaka is asked to kneel before the *empty* Guru chair and again offer up the
heart and mind to the search to liberation....
Guru does not sit in the chair as a symbol of showing that truth is formless and not contained
in a body or mind  -- nor can it be found in any external appearance.....
after this, the sadhaka is asked to kneel in front of Guru in which the mantras are infused in the
chakras -- ending with the heart chakra
each mantra carries a special vibration to break down the conditioned mental holdings and are
extremely potent...
the diksha ceremonies given are similar in some ways, but entirely unique in others depending on the energy that is present....
like all else that is within pure grace, what takes place in the ceremony is spontaneous and perfect for what is needed at the time....
there are special oils used, incense and such that are part of the ceremony as well...
after the mantras are infused --
a spiritual name is given by Guru that has to do with a quality the seeker already has (and needs
to enhance) or a quality that is not present and needs to be nourished...
the vibration of the spiritual name is very potent and aides to wash away the energy of the mundane mind and past attachments....

The energy of the ceremonies are extremely strong, yet completely balanced and can really
bring out strong emotions and/or shifts in consciousness never before experienced....
there is a mystery about it as well as a grace-filled beauty...

Diksha as well as sannyas are indeed honored blessings and are to be cherished dearly
if one has had the opportunity....
if not, no worries....
if the heart is pure, sincere and indeed desirous of liberation
what is needed will unfold in the right time, there is no doubt...
until then, the symbology of the ceremonies point always within and
the *heart* of the ceremony can be nourished, within every moment--

maha shanti om



  1. Namaste, thank you for sharing this. Thank you for the new group, Guru's Grace is unbounded. Om.

  2. Namaste - you are welcome.... indeed Guru's grace is bountiful... shanti om

  3. Namaste - such Grace this sharing of sacred ceremony/diksha -- an honor to even read ... maha shanti Om

  4. Namaste - it is a joy to share the grace that flows so freely in the time spent with Guruji...
    peace-filled evening to you .. shant om

  5. Namaste,Thank you sharing,it's appreciated.Om Shanti.

  6. Namaste - you are welcome... am most happy to share... great day...

  7. Namaste, Thank you for sharing. Shanti OM

  8. Thank you for sharing these words with us..

  9. namaste and great morning ... you are welcome .. om shanti
