Monday, December 10, 2012


if i were to light on the branch
of the banyan tree
and sing the most lovely
song of devotion that would
find a way into thee
Oh Shiva
i would with
my whole heart and soul
if i were to come to a precipice
in which your glorious fresh waters
lie below
racing and beautiful in it's song
i would dive in with abandonment
and leave the shell of the world
on the rock behind
to blow with the wind
if i could come to your feet
and rest my head there for you
to bless with your hands, eyes
and stature
so holy and pure as to melt the
one that came
i would

oh Shiva
this is what the heart holds
this devotion for thee
and trusts itself to you and
your grace
why has thou not come yet
to uncover thy eyes that are
meant to be made in beauty
like yours
thou art the truth
no doubt
and filled with power, majesty
and incomparable mercy
so why hast thou not yet come
to thy breast
ready and ripe
if thou can find richer land elsewhere
may the soil here in this heart be tilled
the same
rich and ready for thy hands
to bless
oh Shiva
till the soil and
light the fire in the hearth of this
and make of my soul the same purity
come now and be
as you are
so free of coverings and
chaste in heart
like a child
so i too can die
a good death
that opens to eternal light
and not be a
mere shadow that
is swallowed away
when night falls

oh Shiva, lord of all
make of this soul like you
so beautiful and free

Om Namah Shivaya

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