Wednesday, December 12, 2012

keep your hand to the plow...

i couldn't find a better
way than this (path)
too many have come and
rode the tides to freedom
but have not stayed
on the right course
so many have fallen back
that is so very
much a shame
i loved those ones as
i do myself and hoped
for them to be true
but they have not found
the right time yet
to come

it is not the right thing
to come and go back
as the shadows try to come
back in so rapidly
i wish i could speak differently
of this
but i know because i have
been there
and sat in the shade of mind
only to be driven so
terribly in thought
that i was about to break
when the dark was so unleashed
that i could not see clear
then a light shone
that was not of the *me*
but it was truth
stepping in as Guru
and this love and compassion
melted the shadow like
a bad dream one
awoke from
and then i was shaken
back to sanity
like a tired near dead
old lady that just drank
an elixir
friends of the heart
and path
i am not lying
i am for sure true in my
writing and would
never lead you astray

be true on your road
and take the one that is fitting
to your heart
do not step on a path
that is the high cliffs
that are meant for the ones
walking the straight line
until you are ready
then keep going
and do not turn around
this is what is written
in the bible
keep your hand to the plow
dear wandering souls
or else the pillar of salt
is the next thing
and my dears no
this is not what you want

i now live as the o ne
so often in heart and mind
steady as the call of
the day in its brightness
i am so happy for those souls
that walk in light
and so wanting those that
are in the world
to lose the hold there
but all in its own time

dear wanderer
be well....


  1. Namaste, thank you for the compassion towards wanderers. Ommmmmmm.

  2. Namaste -- have been one for many a year and know the deep pits and crevices hahaha.. one has to journey it and experience it to give pointings that have any worth....
    if you are to wander -- take the way that is the most beneficial ... this is all....
    great day to you....

  3. Namaste, beautifully written, for keeping nose on the path. OM

  4. Namaste- Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom..Om
