Monday, December 17, 2012

advaita not good when watered down...

it seems there is a lot of confusion surrounding advaita
this is why there is so much layering over 
of the pure teachings 
because many that read the advaitic writings or hear satsang
are not in the way of truly hearing what is being said
instead, they listen half way and color over with 
what they *want to hear* 

advaita is the non-dual reality
that is uncovered when
all that is not of pure nature falls
those souls that have entered into it 
can speak directly as to *what it is*
and more importantly *what it is not*

what has flowed out of this direct experience of 
advaita are writings, practices and satsang that speak
to the right way of walking the path
as well as negating what is not at all in alignment with
the non-dual
much trouble comes from twisting the words of  
these pure teachings 
because the light that is offered is obscured 
and what is brought
forward to humanity is a watered down version of the 
original understandings and knowledge
this sets those seekers
that are lacking substantial motivation 
and clear intentions on an even shakier course 

it is very important to listen with an openess to the 
advaitic teachings (leaving your own philosophy
about it by the wayside)
so that this wisdom can enter and truly
begin to work in the right direction
otherwise one is lost yet again on another road that
(though may feel more broad in terms of knowledge)
will only serve in the end to create a different set of bondage
**one that is even more sneaky and very hard to be rid of**
this is called the *spiritual ego*
have seen this many times -
where students come and partake of the teachings 
and then leave as soon as there is an opening 
due to mind latching on and making more 
of the experience than what it is --- 
so this person feels like they finally *have* something
when really they have just traded one set of
conditionings for another ......
which only serves to further delusion....


  1. Namaste Siddhanada,

    Thank for the clarity on this.OM

  2. Namaste - you are welcome .... great day....

  3. Namaste, THank you for this clarification.OM

  4. Namaste, thank you for reading -- shanti om
