Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Canut's song

i am a wanderer of the sweet earth
and i take to my heart the smell of morning
and the fresh dew on the grass
i take to myself the grit and pain of my journey
and all that walked these empty roads
and though i sorrow, i do not weap in the way
of hurting truly -
i weap like the rain
and the running  clear waters
i weap like the ocean waves
resounding and rolling in my heart
and feel empty like the call of the train
on a still evening
empty like the open fields
and the ache of beauty forgotten
i love deep and this is my name
that i will take with me
it is love
and serenity, peace and joy

i keep pace with what is true for my long
loved tradition that is
to wander
and enjoy
so heartily and friendly
with loved friends
and family
so joyous in heart
and forever young in my dance
and song
i wander