Sunday, December 9, 2012

More on the renunciate life - the *essentials*

About 20 years ago
i began a disciplined spiritual practice
that included buddhist chants picked
up from my readings
as well as rigorous meditation practices

**note -i had not met Guruji at this time
and though i had a burning desire to
be free of suffering
i did not know the best course to take
on the journey to discovering the SELF --
i did not know at the time that these practices
are very potent and can open kundalini and create
consciousness shifts in which one does not know
how to navigate safely... (which is indeed what
took place ...)
there is a reason why the scriptures speak
of kundalini as the great fire and serpent energy
that if opened without proper guideance one can
go crazy ... This caution is 100% justified
and it is hoped that those seeking the way
will excercise caution and balance with
practices in which there is no Guru in place.
When the Guru is in place, this one holds
the center and keeps the energy in absolute
balance and harmony simply by resting in pure
consciousness .. but of course, the seeker must
follow the pointings completely to receive the
grace of this balance and not veer off on their own
or mix teachings and practices -- this will water down
the grace or worse yet cause imbalance and more
suffering... so PLEASE, take in this caution..  ****

About a few months into the practices
that i had put together on my own
i was in the bathroom getting ready to wash my
hands and as i touched the faucet
non-dual consciousness or what the buddhists
call rigpa (or clear light) pierced through awareness
this reality was so brief and so fleeting
and the mind (of course) quickly grasped at it
which covered it over immediately
but still this extremely brief taste of truth
left a strong imprint on the heart to continue forward....

It wasn't long after meeting Guruji (about 13 years ago)
when another incident occurred  -
i just finished taking a walk in the park and
bent over to tie my boot
and again non-dual consciousness came crashing in
like a bolt of lightening...  it lasted a little longer
but still brief and was covered over quickly...

On this path there are no *sacred* places in the way
of needing a special setting to meditate
it is to be brought into life as it is
experiences of expansion, stillness, quietude
and no *me* can be uncovered any place, any time
and at any hour while engaged in any activity...
this is the beauty of a path that is inclusive
and embracing of the flow of life - there is no
rigidness in the way of needing special externals
for depth to be entered...
because if the mind can *still* within the flow
of ordinary life than it is so much less likely
to be shaken compared to
the mind attaching to a special structure
and perfect set-up such as the right posture, quiet house etc....
note :***which does not mean sitting quietly like this
is not to be appreciated... it just means it is not
to be attached to and held in the mind as
the only way to settle into meditation***
if the mind is attached to a particular
setting for meditation to take place, any progress
made will quickly be lost when the flow of
regular routine and life enter in.....

The brief tastes of non-dual consciousness
that came starting 20 years back
continued to deepen and has lasted for longer
and longer intervals over the years --
what is to be understood here is that
the path to liberation takes lifetimes --
it is not something that comes easily
with lukewarm effort and no sacrifice
tapasya ... a hindu word for austerity,
sterness, rigour and sacrifice -- this is
really it and is what all realized beings
entered into as within the heart there
burns a strong desire be free of suffering
and continue forward at **all costs**
not just when *i want to give it up*
in *my time*....
and there are indeed many, many
incidents that the universe
will throw in the seekers face
that will give a chance to see
what the heart is truly made of
is there substance behind the words
or is it just empty talk? .....
will the lines be crossed in which
on one side lies the illusion of
protection and familiarity of *my life*
and on the other the unknown?
will the heart truly renounce the
grip on the illusion when the opportunity
arises or run back to the
shadows ? ---
will steps
be taken when the opportunity
presents or not?
this is what separates the one that
continues forward to realization
compared to the one that wants to stay and dance *with*
creation and be a happier, freer persona...
note: *dear seeker and friend if i have made the
path to freedom look unapealling and arduous -
it is indeed unappealing to ego as ego
wants what is comfortable and familiar --
ego does not want to be challenged in any
way shape or form -- but ego is the realm
of suffering *whether you are aware of this
or not*, it is the truth
is the path to liberation arduous -- extremely
and this cannot be emphasized enough... it is not
for everybody or the casual seeker -- it is not for
the faint at heart .... or the *weak* ego that needs
encouragement, nurturing, compliments and pats on
the back ---
it is not for those seekers
who's heart does not *burn* to be out
of suffering
a heart that is willing to do
whatever it takes to win the prize of freedom
is what is needed here to continue
through the challenges --
there are so many paths that nurture love and compassion
and will give practices to improve one's life
in the  realm of the dual and this is fine and good --
but friend, it is not THIS path...
is it worth it? YES --  every step of it ---
peace, stillness and non-dual consciousness are
invaluable gems that will never go --
one's words fail here as cannot speak to it or put
a label on it, it is unutterable beauty,
perfection and joy in which every drop
of the personal has vanished
here, no words come---
can only say, it is indeed worth it
every step

when kundalini is aroused there is potential
for separative energies (ego which is attachment
to mind and form) to be cleared away....
as stated, this takes lifetimes ...  like a pure
torrent of running water (kundalini) clears the dross
and mud that has been gathered from clinging to the false
**or the transient energy *ego** ---  this clear water keeps running
and flushing the debris until all is completely clear --
this is why non-dual consciousness and experiences
are uncovered along the way -- and can come
and go ---
but one is not considered liberated in this life
until non-dual consciousness is permanent
and stable -- and there are no more
thoughts that arise to occlude this beauty...

Prior to meeting Guruji, i was not
aware of the essentials that were needed
to continue progress --
i had no experience with Guru, spiritual practices (except
my own blend) or any of the spiritual paths really ...
the essentials that came forward
over the years and were understood
to be exactly this **essentials** which
means that without them, there is no
completing the journey are:

-- Sincere Guide, master, Guru --
--satsang (company of the wise) or those souls that
are seeking the light in sincerity and pure heart such as
renunciates, sannyasis, monks and sadhakas that
are in it for the long haul
--non-attachment -- so very essential to the journey and cannot
be stressed enough -- without it, there is no entering into freedom...
it is non-attachment that destroys false identification
such as *i am this* or *i am that*
as well as identification with a body/mind complex
these identifications are what
continue to create illusion and internal drama of  worldly nature...
to be free, non-attachment has to be 100% --
one cannot have one foot on the path to liberation and one foot
in the world unwilling to let go --
freedom carries no worldly drama within it or qualities
that are personal --
non-attachment has to be strong and in place in order to complete the
journey --
it is like *without this**, there cannot be **that**...
this is true of non-attachment and liberation ---
-dispassion -- being unaffected by the transient world -- goes
right along with non-attachment...
not in the way of being **cold and dry**, but not lost and caught
up in the drama of the world....  steady in nature...
-surrender -- letting go of worldly attachments, non-clinging -- giving into..
without wanting **my way** and **my time**
allowing what is to be -- to be without adding, taking away...
-celibacy-- *already in place here prior to the path* --but an essential
as it aides in freeing the mind to physical and worldly drama
that goes along with it....
-devotion - a devotion and love for God and truth -- not a physical form,
or persona
but truth --
the heart-centered practices given by Guru help to open the heart..
as well as being in the presence of Guru
-reading non-dual texts or texts approved by Guru

.. these are the basic foundation of a renunciate path --
which is what all completed masters walked and lived
there is no Guru, Buddha or master that was not
celibate and lived a renunciate lifestyle -- this is the reality.....

The *essentials* to discovering the SELF
can be written out like this, but truly the core
and power of transformation or *falling away*
comes from direct experience  --
the rest is really just words that fall empty
without the substance of **action** behind them..
as one can talk about a land and place that
has been visited quite easily and give a map there
but unless one takes steps to go and experience
it directly -- it is just words that fall empty...

May the sincere seekers on this path
continue forward to liberation
and shine as bright lights for humanity....

Maha shanti om


  1. Namaste. Thank you for sharing your journey and laying out so clearly the essentials for the Path to Realization. This just makes it very clear on how far one is from the Path. Thank you for this light and for all the poems. Ommmmmmmmm.

  2. Namaste -- One can only begin where they are at in heart -- as well as be realistic with the circumstances ... When immersed in family life it becomes the central focus, there is no way around it.... This being the case, then be in love with your family and give the best possible there as seva ... this can only enhance your world and benefit the family....
    thank you for comment -- it will be of benefit to others that are in the same place... om shanti

  3. Namaste- Thank you for this one, as it really helps and brings deep clarity to what is needed to walk this Path...Om Shanti
