Friday, December 7, 2012

Step by step

The naysayers are not interested in what is true
they want to dispute the word
and follow the land of the ones that look
to the shadows
they do not want to live in the heart
or be made real

this is what the scriptures call
being without a light
and following your own path
that leads deep into dark alleys
and places that do not ring of freedom
but are something other in nature

it is sad to see this kind of thing
but do not worry about it
if you are right and in harmony
with God and the light
and have within yourself the guts
to come out and live in beauty
and truth
then all will be made right

the main thing is to believe that
all is well and to not fold into the
ways of mind
to allow what comes
to be
and to allow what is
to remain as it is
to be open to the next unfolding
without complaint
to also be open to mother (kali)
and what this energy brings up
without pulling back

there are none that can walk
the journey when it becomes
arduous and kundalini (the goddess energy)
is aroused without a guide
that is sturdy
and knowing of the truth
and the way
there is no other way to go

the road is quite treacherous otherwise
with many hazardous cliffs and crevices
in which one can fall
so please traveller
be safe and open your heart
to a guide (Guru/master) when the
time is right
this light will take you all the way in
to freedom
there is no doubt
if you stay true and sturdy
and be brave when the situation calls

om shanti


  1. Guru-
    Mountains clear the way so
    beginners may cover distance
    without tripping themselves
    Gaining strength for the Climb...
    Om .... and 'great Day'

  2. Namaste -- there are potential pitfalls the whole of the way... There are some that have been on the path for years and are pulled into the delusions of mind and fall away from the light.... one always need be vigilent.. Even when there is a **falling away** -- if there is one seed of mind, the whole tree can grow again -- so, it is very important to stay vigilant and heart-centered, engaging the practices when there is mind play -- one is not out of the water until mind rises no more and there is only pure consciousness and no one remains to make efforts --
    only the non-dual presence remains, undeniable with no thoughts that come or go....
    Maha Shanti om

    1. Namaste - 'gratitude' for this pointing... as it is true honor/gift to be here and remain vigilant in practices -- all to Grace of Guru ... living waters that find every fold of mind -- all to the living wisdom that is this Path ... all to the uncovering of Truth remaining only as it is - pure consciousness -- maha Shanti Om

  3. Namaste -- There are none that can really be said to be liberated in this life until **all ** the shades of mind are dissolved -- Sometimes when there is a taste of freedom, this one is more vulnerable to the traps of mind -- as the guard is let down *** in the way of letting go of practices *** because it is felt they are done and completed ---This is very dangerous because the seeds of mind (if even a few) will bloom and continue the life of the dual reality which is suffering..-- So very important, every step one needs to be diligent. Very true, It is the highest blessing in life to have a Living Guru to point the way -- there is no doubt in this.... shanti om

  4. Namaste, - there is full and open Heart in what is taking place... it is sweetness, pure gratitude, and ease beyond thought that fuels what is left to shed, as well as any slippings 'back' to patterns of covering -- and am so very grateful to life/Guru Ommmmmm

  5. Namaste -- May you continue forward to completion --- good to hear of your progress and deepening... maha shanti om

    1. with honor and respect for all given -

      Maha shanti Om

  6. Namaste, Thank you, again just what one needed to hear today. Appreciate the above exchange as well. While reading, feeling like a heavy rock lets go of the heart, and heart opens again to receive. Ever grateful. Shanti OM

  7. Namaste, good to hear it is of benefit.. this is why sharing of the journey is helpful because others are going thru the same thing -- it helps to bring clarity and dissolve the feeling of the *private world*.. all go thru the very same passages (just with a different twist on it) to enter freedom.. and in the end, all is revealed as the same heart, same consciousness that is one..shanti om

  8. NAmaste, I remember reading that you wished to help humanity. WHat a wonderful way to be doing it Now :-)
    BEautiful, I keep saying it over and over, JUST BEAUTIFUL!!! THANk you!! OM

  9. Namaste- Very benifical to read, and also the exchanges above, thank you....Om

  10. Namaste, good to hear and good to see you continue steady on the path, this is what it takes... om shanti
