and dissolves in the heart
when the mind awakens
shadow rises no more
and seeing is made clear
light shines bright
reflecting appearance in awareness
yet no one is there to capture
only stillness reigns
this is the way that one is meant to be
the Lord of yourself
not like a slave to mental wandering
tethered on a rope
to the rising and sinking tides
of mind
you are so much more than this
you are truly forever free
and so over the mind
with its shades of unrest
so will you come to these waters of purity
and drown in the sea of life
that carries no suffering within it?
oh my friend,
i have not cast you out of my heart
i have lived to see you well
and to see you dance freely in joy
and not sit away from what is real
my heart has rejoiced
at your chance to be free
and my singing has called you
to go on...
i love you so inside always
as the SELF that is precious and true
if you could be in the way of hearing
and following your beauty
then i will be so trusting of your
steady steps
and rejoice in happiness
at your coming
i can see you here
where you are meant to be
because i know you not as
a body and mind
but one that is so very pure
and whole
i am to see you here, yes!
and know that you are in the heart
like a one that has come thru the waves
and set things right
like a warrior of freedom
and a flower of beauty
i am *here* friend
come now and *see*
be well always
om shanti
Namaste, How beautiful and glorious !!! THank you!!! OM Shanti.