Sunday, December 16, 2012

the path of least resistance

the effortless way
is the path of least
as water flows down
a mountain side
or leaves spiral
to the sweet earth

this is what buddha
spoke about to his
that to enter into mind
one needs
to let go of clinging
and be free of impurities
so that the layers of mind
can be penetrated

like the  tao
it is a harmonious
way of being that
is not resisting
neither being attracted to
or having an aversion
but flowing with
the natural course
it is so very simple
yet so out of reach
if one continues to
draw to mental graspings
then it is immediately
covered over -


  1. Namaste, Great reminder for tonight. Shanti OM

  2. Namaste- Thank you for this, a pointing which is much needed. OM

  3. namaste, thank you for appreciating and going back to the other writings.. may effortlessness be for you and great peace.. om shanti
