Sunday, November 1, 2015

who is the next voyager?

since the shaman woman said yesterday, "nice to meet you Siddhananda", i have not felt their energy around except for a large indian woman sitting in a lotus position in my mind (this has entered in a few times)....
i did feel however, the grandmother spirit energy here over the course of the day yesterday and while writing i can see her beautiful face, her eyes have stars in them, they twinkle like the beautiful cosmos.. her hair, a silver white ....

when some ego play (or deceptive energy), sorcerer energy, magic illusive energy would attempt to enter in (i could see that shadow there) ... i would see the back of grandmother spirit (a thick grey braid trailing down her back)..
she would be pushing this energy away and beating it off with a club.. she did this a few times in the day and it was very effective in aiding the mind to still...
she is a fierce protector of her spirit children and a force to be reckoned with for sure...
then she would be near and i would feel a lovely thick black braid trailing down my back...
she placed little stars in a line going down the braid and brushed her hand down my head in a loving, affectionate manner...

a few times, i could see the moon drum and feel it's vibration go through my entire being...

also, i was given a white horse that i could see this form getting on.. i was on the horse and one could
see my back.. i was wearing the same clothes as i had on...
a peach colored shirt with a white skirt that had an orange and pink edging around the bottom
and then that horse took off and when it did, one could ride like the wind through the cosmos...
there was no solid ground to worry about...
i could see the back of my clothing blowing and fluttering with the wind with my hair blowing freely..
this happened a few times...
then as i was watching this form, galloping, literally flying through the cosmos on the horse..
another white horse came into view and this one had no rider...
it was almost as if to say, who is the next voyager in the land of spirit? there is a feeling of a welcoming energy or an energy asking, who is next? come now, here is the empty seat waiting..

this morning, there were the least visions since when this portal opened...
it was fine... this particular group were very powerful in their presence (which does not mean any other blessed spirit was less so) ... it could just be coming more forward into clearing...

as far as the visions and phenomena go, for here, it has been a constant flow from very young and once kundalini opened in full, it has been non-stop for years and years .. there has been no off button...  there has been no time to say, now i can take a rest and breather...
visions, illustrations of spirit messages have been occurring for many years and this has been ongoing with no breaks really...
the visions i have described on this blog have been such a small, small percentage in comparison...

also, once one is taken into the world of spirit communion and seeing, it is like you have entered another dimension in which you never leave... this is the reality...
one is Always *in* the spirit world -- every cell and all the senses are *in* it ...  the body feels as if made of air ..
visions float through in a stream all day off and on and if they are not happening, then patterns or a kaleidoscope of colors appear, seeing auras on people and objects, hearing voices (and i really mean voices which i have heard for many, many years), movement of body (kriyas), increased perceptions, highly acute sensory perception -- hearing, tasting, seeing, smell gets extremely sensitive and acute (this has not changed).... extremely vivid dreams nightly...
also disturbing visions and disturbing voices that come with great intensity... as well as great pain in the form...
this is the situation when being in this world/and/or within full kundalini opening... one can be with someone talking and this is taking place within or driving or cooking .. it doesn't matter, this flow continues...

i just need to be honest in the description of this playing out as it comes through the form and consciousness that it really engulfs one in this world of phenomena/spirit.... because though, often the imagery can be lovely and the messages so heartfelt (and it is entertaining)
there is this reality of the whole thing too... it is the journey of awakening .. it is a very long and difficult road....

and when *seeing* this way ends, i have no doubt that at least this form/energy/consciousness will not be leaving this place of spirit, not ever ... though it will come differently...
and there is no doubt too, the blessing that is felt within all of it ... this is so richly felt and i would not trade the experience in, not ever ...
and what flowers from here is unknown.. we will see...

for now however, that horse with no rider is waiting ...
and spirit is asking, who will be next voyager in the land of spirit?

will it be you?..

om shanti


  1. Namaste - what a feeling to be galloping on the horse! Incredible to hear how your lifelong journey has been. Thank you for sharing!

  2. namaste, thank you for your support and comments.. much appreciated as always.. shanti om

  3. Namaste, always wanted to ride a horse haha. Take me Take me!! As a little girls I would tell my parents story's of riding a beautiful horse. Well...there we go. As was reading this now, the heart flutters like a butterfly. Beautiful excitement. Thank you for this.
    Sorry to hear your journey is so not easy. But not sorry as it is the way it has to be to complete. Hope the flower blooms and sparkles for you soon and forever. Om shanti.

    1. namaste, thank you so much, very nice... shanti om

  4. Namaste. How incredible to gallop through the cosmos on such a beautiful white steed! Yes, such a blessing if bestowed would not be refused. No, how could one refuse such a gift though the journey can be so difficult? Is it even possible to refuse, even if one wanted to? Thank for speaking about what it is truly like to walk in the spirit world. This is good to know should that portal ever open. Oh, my gosh, I hear rain on my window! :) It's so good to know that your true heart's desire will be fulfilled soon ... soon, perhaps with the Aquarian moon. om shanti.

    1. namaste, thank you for the heartfelt comment... enjoy the rain.. shanti om

  5. Namaste, thank you for sharing your Journey, inspires us to stay steady and continue.

  6. namaste, yes, stay steady through the comings and goings however they present for they are not lasting... what matters is freedom .. now onward.. shanti om

  7. Namaste, interesting hearing part of your journey- thank you for sharing

  8. Namaste- Thank you for the deeper insights to your unfolding journey, which brings about a deeper connection to you and the Path..Om

    1. namaste, i am glad to hear it. In my heart, i hope to convey this journey in the most honest way possibly. It has been a very long and difficult road to have come to this doorway now that is open and still quite an arduous balance... i truly would not have made it this far without the grace of Guru as she has helped me to open the heart to these visions.. i don't know if i would have brought them forward otherwise, but she has honored this work with spirit and has brought grounding so this offering can flower.. May you continue forward with and open heart.. thank you for being here shanti om
