Thursday, November 5, 2015

When Shiva Came...

when shiva was in my mind 
i felt him as an energy that came 
he came with his trident and placed it in my hand 
and opened the third eye to be awake 
like the way his looked, open and clear
and though i saw visions before for 
many years,
i began to see them in another way 
as if projected in my mind clearly in relation
to spirit and projected outward too as if the 
vision was down the hallway (this was the case 
with the vision of Mary and many others as 
well, but hers stands out the most)
this was the change that came with his grace 
and blessing 
i had no idea what would come after his appearance 
i just know i was sitting next to Guruji in the car 
and began seeing his face
it was large and had a blue tone to the skin 
(which is symbolic of swallowing the poison 
of the world and remaining untouched by this)
his third eye shone like a light 
he touched my forehead with this light 
next i felt a lot of clearing energy through my body
there were some shadows present there where pain 
lurked and i don't know what else
and i felt light going into my body and mind 
and the shadows being blown away
the chandra or moon was placed on my forehead 
(same as on his)
and all the markings of shiva were placed there 
this was a bit off centering for me as it just occurred 
while sitting next to Guruji and being involved in 
conversation with her, in ordinary flow..
this continued to happen for quite awhile while driving 
i did not say anything to her as so many odd experiences 
have come and gone that i felt this was the same, although
it was a different feeling to have Shiva appear like this as you
might imagine 
this is not like a thinking of Shiva, but an appearance as if 
one is watching a movie before them (in a way) of this scene and it 
just plays on, and some of the imagery is taken in and placed
on your own being and form.. it feels to be a life-like energy though
compared to a film, so it is different in that way...

i did tell Guruji later about this happening as this vision
occurred right before the psychic opening
and she said, "they were opening this work."
of course i knew nothing of this at the time and was simply present 
there and this vision flowed out of the blue literally...
i have seen shiva off and on throughout this process..
he appears and again he touches my forehead with a piercing 
light that is the same as on his forehead... not painful or uncomfortable 
in any way, just different 
this happened while driving (by myself) and then of course one just flows along to the destination
and takes care of what needs to be taken care of ...
such is the way of this flow, it is the timing of grace and not within the timing 
of a persona, not ever ... it flows on it's own energy and rises and falls within 
the space of stillness..


  1. Namaste- wow what stunning image Shiva must have been... thank you for sharing this and will be interesting to see what comes forward next...

  2. Namaste. Truly an auspicious occurrence. Not only for the new phase to open, but also to aid, it seems, in bringing you closer to the end of the path. Amazing that the visions happen simultaneously with the mundane flow of life without interference. good to know. nothing to fear in it. always look forward to the reading here ... always deeply appreciated. Om.

  3. namaste, thank you for the comments.. i cannot say i have ever been in awe or amazed by the visions (although so many have been stunning).. it is just there, sometimes feeling natural like it is part of my make-up and other times feeling overwhelming (especially at first)... it just comes and goes now and i am in waiting for the final chapter... om shanti

  4. Namaste, thank you for sharing this vision. OM

  5. Namaste Thank you for sharing this experience Your words awaken something mysterious within
    Om shanti

    1. namaste, delve into that mystery within, all shanti..

  6. namaste, glad to hear it resonates.. good to see all here .. shanti om

  7. Namaste, I guess we can say your journey has been and is colorful. One never knows what will appear

    1. namaste, one never knows when things turn a corner and new phenomena or a falling away appears... shanti om

  8. Namaste, great writing. Nice happenings. Magical things happen when near Guru G. All this Grace flowing. Thank you. Greatful for all this. Om shanti.

  9. Namaste, thank you! I remember visits from Kali in dreams, never anything like this in "waking" life, though.


    1. namaste, if it ever comes this way, believe me, you will know the difference, so get out your dream catcher just in case because it is like navigating two realms always... om shanti

  10. Namaste...yes I've wondered what it must be like for you. Though it may not be easy thank you for sharing all this.

  11. Namaste- Thank you again for sharing and giving insights to your unfolding journey..Om
