Monday, November 2, 2015

adorned with riches of spirit

see her, adorned in the moonlight with riches 
her attire sparkles so of the spirit way
look at her 
glowing in light, free of fetters of mind 
free of attachment to form, pride and vanity
when she smiles, her eyes sparkle like many suns 
and many full moons that radiate wondrous mysteries 
she does not say, i am special darling, look at me 
how beautiful am i?
why does she not say this?
because her mind is lost to the one heart of all
and he (God) is what shines as her and in her 
and in all things 
to her, she is simply one consciousness 
but she does not think like this 
oh how can it be explained souls?
just look at her way of being fully present 
with such grace and sunshine of spirit 
not like a wilted thing that rises and falls, 
rises and falls 
but like an ocean deep, like a hearty rooted 
tree, sturdy, withstanding the tests of time
not of the world child
not of the world 

see her, her hair shines in the sun like gold 
her fragrance smells fresh and sweet and
brings stillness to the mind
her touch is the feel of pure awareness
her knowing is of non-dual richness
her compassion is like the deepest ocean
and vast as the sky
her tears like clear rivers running 
in rejoicment to cleanse the dross for humanity
her kiss is like the most beautiful of all 
for it opens the mind to be like her 
her arms are open and bring fresh ripe fruit of leela
look at her, adorned in white like a lilly
fresh and clean
her earings sparkle and reflect the cosmos 
is she a princess? one might say
is she a goddess? this might be asked too
is she an illusion? hammmm, let us see
let us go into her soul and see what is there
oh my love what wonders are there 
such richness of spirit 
and vastness too
within her heart, lives the pathway
to the one heart of all,
the heartbeat of the soul 
the om, the omkara, the zero
but, for now, she flowers like this to say
my children, you are loved and free to roam 
through the soul and live this life in openness
for nothing can harm you
not anything that is seen
for you are spirit true, you are love undivided 
and here are your jewels
to adorn your head and your body 
these jewels shine of heart and soul and substance
that is lasting
here take them up and wear them 
as they will bring you illumination
my children you are loved 
no go on and be free


  1. Thank you for this. So sweet and gentle this writing is. Om shanti Omm.

  2. Namaste. Thank you for these jewels and blessings. The heart stirs and the mind grows stiller with this reading. maha shanti om.

  3. Namaste - wonderful message - so beautiful and freeing! Love the image as well.

  4. namaste, thank you as always for the comments.. good to see all here .. great evening and om

  5. Namaste, very nice writing, thank you for this. OM

  6. Namaste- Very fragrant is this one, thank you..Om

    1. namaste, happy you could feel it this way.. shanti om
