Monday, November 2, 2015

vision this morning..

dear souls,
i am bringing you the fresh vision of the day
this came as soon as i awoke this morning,

there was a skirt that came into view made of a beautiful
lacework of bright blue beading, deep orange red was woven
in there too
as i was watching, a native american design took shape
the skirt was white as well and sparkled like stars as it came closer to
my vision, it twirled in the cosmos like a beautiful dance
then i heard, "for you Siddhananda"..

then what appeared was a long trailing
vine that looked like a fern type of leaf, but very long
it danced and blew freely in the wind
quite enchanting really
the consciousness was taken into a great flowing
valley or opening in which one could see several trails
of these long, lovely vines blowing freely in the wind
each leaf was like lace, so delicate, light green and deep
luscious green too...
this scene was three dimensional and one could see way in the distance
each single vine blowing, so beautiful and ethereal  in it's feeling
light was playing off of each vine, this light was rich and *thick*
with light is the only way to explain, such a rich glow it gave off
the sun was sparkling and dancing off of each single leaf
and there were reflections of the sun all around
the scene was bright yellow in nature (sun-like in it's appearance)...
so the consciousness was moving through this scene, so like an angel
and the mind was quiet, one pointed and as if really in this scene
floating through it, taken through it effortlessly
then i heard, if you go in there Siddhananda, you will lose the "I"
and then what came is, "shadow time is ending", "shadow time is ending"..
the consciousness continued to move through this ethereal scene
of this play of light and grace..
towards the end, there was a luminescent glow that encompassed the scene...
and i heard, "it is only light in there Siddhananda, if you go in there,
you will lose the gifts of spirit and you will be free".. "freedom and light are in there,
only freedom and light"

to explain a little further about the feeling of some of the visions that come,
(which was true of this one_,
the mind is very one-pointed....
the mind cannot say the mantra or speak at all... one is completely taken up
and within the vision...
another way to explain it is that, you lose your own will within it, it is choiceless
and of it's own movement and play...
but there is still the feeling of a persona there, it is hard to explain...
it is such a good thing though when it comes this way...
so very much of grace...

to continue forward with this vision:
an image of another plant came into view that was big with large leaves, there was some
shading on it...
it was growing high ... the upper leaves were growing lighter green and clear
this plant was really growing higher...
i was taken downward to the root of the plant that was glowing richly...a
bright clear, white light  was just pouring out from the roots (this is the nourishment of grace)..
and i heard, "see this is your spirit Siddhananda... it is growing in light"... "look, this is your
then what came again is, "shadow time is ending"....

dear souls, this is the vision this morning... it is not just about this personal journey
but about, *the* journey...
the journey of the soul to awaken to beauty, freedom, love and light...
spirit, through this form/mind is giving illustrations of that journey for humanity...

this particular vision was so very peaceful and it would be nice to stay in it longer
(which i don't often say), but the day is starting and this journey is still to be walked
and visions do not last...
now we will journey forward to that constant... liberation...
now let us keep walking, shall we?...

shanti om


  1. Namaste, and let us keep walking. Yes please. Thank you. Such deep ease is happening. Unbelievable ommm...

  2. Namaste. yes, onward we go ... forward on the path to the place where there is only light and freedom. Always grateful for the messages from spirit, for your wisdom and all that is shared here. om shanti.

  3. Namaste - yes let's keep walking! Glad shadow time is ending for you...

  4. Namaste, the journey of the soul to the constant.. thank you for sharing this. OM
