Thursday, November 26, 2015

love never lost...

i sat by Guru and saw many things (and i saw many things
when not with her too)... it is like a river running and does not
stop for breaks...
yet the wonder is there of seeing such comings of light
the more beautiful openings were of the Christ energy and
Mary -- these two are like one heart of light, joy and
bounteous refreshment...
they come as one to say, we have risen above this aching
and are now of light and we are together as one spirit-heart ..
do you see us?, look! we are free in light and are not separate
we are shiv-nature, we are angel-light, we are fresh music together
and flow of one spirit-love, we are fresh music together and flow
of one timeless treasure-heart ..
we have never lost each other, we have never lost this love..
do you see us?


  1. Namaste, such a lovely image and message. thank you for sharing. OM

    1. namaste, a very heart touching pair of love and healing light... thank you for reading .. shanti om

  2. Namaste- beautiful piece on these two energies - nice to now have their images in my home.

    1. namaste, indeed, a very blessed pair to have in your home... shanti om

  3. Namaste, a beautiful piece indeed. Of the two that are never a two but a one. Sweet stilling comes along. Thank you for Grace. Om shanti.

    1. namaste, yes, one heart always, never have been two... shanti om

  4. Namaste..thank you for sharing this, the beauty of this is lovely. Feeling that beauty and that it is one. .thank you !

    1. namaste, yes, a lovely, blessed pairing of one.. shanti om
