the vision(s) today:
there were some curtains i made that i put a picture up on Facebook
they came into view very clearly
each detail could be seen on the curtains, the white flowers and leaves
on the brown pleather type of material....the way the stencil
was done, some of the paint is thicker in some areas than others... this
could be seen...
the bright sun then emerged and the curtains rose up and covered the sun
then there was a twirling that turned into a star
what was seen next were some hands holding a large, round ball
this ball grew larger in front of the vision and then a goddess type
of image emerged....
her form was then lifted up as if laying down and floating thru space ...
above, there were some lines of clouds that did not touch this fullness of
the ball that the goddess held...
then what was seen was a shower head with fresh water rushing
from it, cleansing, cleansing...
next, there were clouds that began to flow into the ball slowly by slowly
until there were very little clouds ... this scene continued to float along
then an image of a branch emerged with bright berries
and snow fall...
it was felt that the time was the Christmas season..
the feeling of this was there along with the viewing of a family
in celebration of this time with all the ornaments and way of celebrating
with santa clause and all...
but what was above or separate in a way from the scene and completely
untouched was the light of grace...
it shined in it's splendor untouched of the happenings and it is also saying
that grace is the giver and is not a santa clause type of giver, but a giver that
destroys the shadows ... it also brings about happenings for the soul depending
on karma, but again this is not what one thinks as having to do with a doer ..
just the law of the universe..
also, it was felt that the winter scene was a message of the time of dormancy
for the seed or the soul in a way
where the seed is sitting waiting for the sun
and then a passage came in a poem from heart pointings, "kiss of awareness"
in winter the earth is dry and all is starkly bare
as that which lays dormant
awaits the first kiss of the sun
when it comes, this kiss
it awakens the life that has fallen to sleep
for awhile before this next imagery that is to be written about arose,
there was seen an image of some very large eyes
that rested above the sky and clouds as if to say
God is watching and misses nothing...
then this scene came, there was some imagery of seeing the curtains that i made
very clearly again, then what could be seen was rain rising upward
into a very dark, dark ominous cloud and some imagery of the
disturbing life events of late appeared... not a fun scene at all...
what was felt was the rain falling upward was like a sign that is turned the opposite
way and twisted so as to go against the flow of nature...
Guruji told me way back when an image of a swastika type of symbol came
up (in a book somewhere i believe), she said that the negative version of this symbol
is when the swastika is turned in the opposite direction as in the case of what was
done in the Hitler era because
the swastika in hindu philosophy is a very ancient symbol turned the opposite way of this and
has always signified
good luck, fortune, many blessings and going with the flow
of the universe... a very good thing... one will see it in much
of hindu symbology
so this beautiful, pure symbol was twisted as a way to symbolize minds that are bent
on taking power into their own hands and distorting the laws of the universe which
cannot be altered and with this, darkness ensues...
so this is the feeling of the rain falling upward and being absorbed by dark clouds...
there was of course such a not good feeling about this, but there is a spirit with blessed
energy walking on those clouds shedding prayers and light ...
and now there is a scene of a mosque that arose in my mind,
very arid, open and clean feeling...
the tile work is very beautiful with bright, light colors...
there are some on their knees in there covered in their gowns with heads down praying
there is also a heart that is outlined, it is not filled in as there remain many holes to still
fill in ... so may this rain of grace continue and cleanse this energy...
then, one traveled onward thru a passage that dropped down to very still water
with moonlight reflected on it ... a lovely white lotus was floating on it ...
the lotus then sunk down into darkness and became lost there ... some bits of green
stuck up from the dark water, but they were soiled...
this it seems is the dream state of not being conscious of life or heart or simply being asleep...
what came next was the most spectacular lotus flower seen yet (vivid, crystal clear), very huge with a bright diamond in the center
sometimes changing to a ball in the center... the ball looked like it was plugged in as it gave
such a bright glow of light ... the petals were long and delicate...one could see the glow of light
shining through them that was emanating from the center of the flower..
each petal fluttered, translucent and ethereal like, in space.. like a plant life that was underwater would flutter...
really quite a breathtaking image of splendour...
there was also a scene that came where it showed writing like John Hancock signature written
with a feather plume pen just like it would have been written way back on that old paper...
sounding odd i know, but this is how spirit message comes, then handwritten under this signature
was grace... this was something Guruji said as well in the spirit messages
that when there is a merging together where two become one, there remains
a single energetic signature, also that grace/God is the one author of all .... (this is not to be confused with actions though, because actions are the result of man and mind when ego is in play, the result of free will...
free will is given to man by grace .... this just came now, so it is written here) ...
the last scene was one of a cat-type looking animal with piercing eyes that lit up, so bright and aware
always vigilant, seeing all, then this disappeared...
this is all that is coming now and though it may seem like a lot, when viewing it as it unfolds in
consciousness it is really quite quick, fluid from one to the next like looking out the window at
scenery that flows by .....
may all be well
om shanti
Namaste, hmmm....interesting how it flowed from rain to swastika to mosque to gruesome scenes....and into one and not into many. Very stilling to read. Thank you. Message is always the same, one and not many. Grace is in all and not the mind. Om shanti.
ReplyDeleteNamaste...find this to be very touching, feeling a warm glow in the heart. Quite beautiful..thank you.
ReplyDeletenamaste, there is such beauty in the spirit message, always without fail it speaks to the heart.. so glad it resonated well.. shanti om
Deletenamaste, it all comes out the same in the end, though though each picture/story is different... glad you have an insight into this and are feeling stillness.. shanti om
ReplyDeleteNamaste...find this to be very touching, feeling a warm glow in the heart. Quite beautiful..thank you.
ReplyDeleteNamaste -thank you for sharing. Interesting to see John Hancock symbol!
ReplyDeletenamaste, it is, one can never say how the imagery will come to display messages.. always a surprise ..shanti om
ReplyDeleteNamaste, various imagery with good messages within. Thank you so much for sharing. OM