Sunday, November 22, 2015

flowing with the universe...

before this next imagery that is to be written about arose,
there was seen an image of some very large eyes
that rested above the sky and clouds as if to say
God is watching and misses nothing...

then this scene came, there was some imagery of seeing the curtains that i made
very clearly again, then what could be seen was rain rising upward
into a very dark, dark ominous cloud and some imagery of the
disturbing life events of late appeared... not a fun scene at all...

what was felt was the rain falling upward was like a sign
that is turned the opposite way and twisted so as to go against
the flow of nature and the universe...

Guruji told me way back when an image of a swastika type of symbol came
up (in a book somewhere i believe), she said that the negative version of this symbol
is when the swastika is turned in the opposite direction as in the case of what was
done in the  Hitler era because
the swastika in hindu philosophy is a very ancient symbol turned the opposite way of this and
has always signified good luck, fortune, many blessings and going with the flow
of the universe..a very good thing and one will see it in much of hindu symbology
so this beautiful, pure symbol was twisted as a way to symbolize minds that are bent
on taking power into their own hands and distorting the laws of the universe which
cannot be altered and with this, darkness ensues...
so this is the feeling of the rain falling upward and being absorbed by dark clouds...
there was of course such a not good feeling about this, but there is a spirit with blessed
energy walking on those clouds shedding prayers and light ...

and now there  is a scene of a mosque that arose in my mind,
very arid, open and clean feeling...
the tile work is so beautiful with bright light colors...
there are some on their knees in there covered in their robes with heads down praying
there is also a heart that is outlined, it is not filled in as there remain many holes to still
fill in ..
so may this rain of grace continue and cleanse this energy...


  1. Namaste - difficult vision to see but glad to see rain of grace showering down. Thank you!

    1. namaste, yes, may it rain strong...badly needed.. om shanti

  2. Namaste, thank you. Sounds like it's a message from previous post. Still good to read it again. Appreciate the stillness it brings to an agitated mind. Greatful. Omm

    1. namaste, good to hear of the stillness.. shanti om

  3. Namaste...yes I pray for that too!

  4. Namaste/\ Reassuring to see Spirit above the darkness. May love and light clear away the darkness and light the way/\
