Monday, November 23, 2015

kiss of awareness

in winter the earth is dry and all is starkly bare
as that which lays dormant
awaits the first kiss of the sun
when it comes, this kiss
it awakens the life that has fallen to sleep
for awhile in the depths of the earth
and life is moved to begin to grow
little bits of green poke it's way out of the soil
and miracles occur within and without 
and all around 
for the soul too, this is the way
it sits in slumber
and awaits the first kiss
which is awareness
untouched by any forces
that are of the personal
and with this kiss of awareness
life begins to stir in the soul and something
else begins to move the being 
which is grace
then, the holdings in consciousness
come to the surface to be seen
like bits of flotsam and jetsam on the waters 
of pure life 
and the soul is then made aware of all that has 
been occluding pure vision
this is a good thing to see what is there  
that has been driving one to be in circles 
of worry or defensiveness or comfort 
or what have you
because without first seeing what is there,
there can be no cleansing
and how mother cleanses, does she not?
for she is like a goddess of the heart
in her way, she is like 
the most chaste presence
that comes in and through
and gives one a chance to see
what is true and what is false 
she comes this way to all in every moment 
with a kiss of wake up and see dear one 
for you are my love 
you are my child of the spirit and i know you
as the sun only
i do not know you as a shadow, not now not ever 
you are my child that i have given life to
and  i will take your soul to the place of rest 
when you open your heart to me 
and then i will make you be still
i will not ever leave your heart dear one 
i will not ever be away and forget you
but my child 
you forget me, by going out into the world 
of the false 
and when you are there, you do not know who 
you truly are 
you forget that you are One only
and that God is your very Self
there (in the world), souls speak of this and that 
and me and you 
and you are lost in that 
but know that every breath that comes in your form
is my heart only
and every tear too
and every word that you speak is my creation
but words are not this at all
they are only bits of shakti that rise and fall on this 
heart so pure and so real
so, my child, when you go in the world, can you know 
the one?
if you love me like your very own soul
you can know always this one that is here 
for i love the one that is not afraid of me (Kali)
i love that one with heart and soul and a force of fire 
that can never die 
and i love those that are away in the world too the same,
but they are not really in the way of seeing the real
they are playing in the world as if it is a playground 
for fulfilling their desires 
this is fine and well -- for it will bring life lessons to them
but for those in the way of wanting to be free
these ones i call to me 
come home and love me true
for i know the way and the path is in you to be walked 
stay sturdy and upright in your character 
and do not let worry and fear rule your reality 
then you can settle into this moment 
and feel the wind purely and feel the sun purely
and feel the sweet smile of a friend purely
and feel the heart as the shining one 
come dear child 
and be as you are 
i am your mother always 
and nothing can compare to this type of love 
but do not love me as an object 
for i will melt like wax and die there 
love me as your own soul
and i will burn bright as the brightest star
for you to be guided to the heart 
and i will burn bright as the brightest moon
that cannot be denied in the dark sky
and i will burn like a lantern and a torch and 
fire so strong and so filled with life
that you will not be able to return to the shadowland 
you will be moved to be true and well like you are 
so well and so filled with life and love and compassion
that will tear the walls of ignorance down 
so come now 
be free and do not roam in the land of the lost 
come and be the life that you are 
the life that can never die 


  1. Namaste..yes very wonderful. .thank you!

  2. Namaste..yes very wonderful. .thank you!

  3. Namaste..yes very wonderful. .thank you!

  4. Namaste,,very inspiring. Thank you. Always such great pointings. Of the heart om shanti.

  5. Namaste, thank you for these pointings, they resonate deeply. OM

  6. Namaste/\ So lovely! Touches the Heart, Love and Joy fill these eyes... to love God, the Universe so... to be loved by God, the Universe so... no love greater than this /\
