Friday, January 25, 2013

son of God

son of God 
you are the way, the life, the joy of all
you have made a light of this world that sinks low
in itself and hides away..
you have called yourself to be a wanderer and 
a hearty being of plentiful life 
as you have said that life and light 
cannot be known without surrender
and the little mind that rings of personal
cannot ever be real or living
you have come as a mystic such a fresh
being in your way of 
speaking clear and powerfully the real
to those that open easy and yielding
what have you brought to this world
yourself and this is all
and what have you set free never to manifest again
the mental world with its rising and sinking..
you have not taken that which is of value
only that which has been mistaken for the real and true
you have lived with what is right with nature 
and in this way set others free
you have been taken to be an ordinary soul
within darkness and misguided ways
by those minds that are threatened 
you have suffered here 
but not of spirit 
of body only...,
you have given your life up to set others free 
and by this sacrifice 
brought great peace where there was once suffering...
dear son of God

this is the message precious seekers of light..
this evening
be well...
as the flow goes on....