Tuesday, January 8, 2013

action louder than words..

it can't be said enough that *action* is what is required
to breakthrough the chains of suffering....
has this been heard truly friends?
because to sit back and merely listen to or hope for 
something to become better will not change a thing at all...
this is what Guru has spoken about so many times...
it is like night and day to live in a fantasy compared to taking steps..
the first is certain to bring more illusion and drama...  
the other change... 
this world is so very broken now and it is not getting better 
until there are more that come forward and stand for what is right
it is a painful experience indeed to come out of hidden ways
when this is what has become familiar..
but unless there is transparency in ones life, the blinders will stay on
and what is hid away
will only create more pain and isolation within 
which impairs ones power to be a useful being in society...
it is because of the ones that have dared to speak up that 
many past injustices have shifted and new roads opened
so that there can be growth for the spirit...
but now there is so much easy access to information..
why bother doing any work to come forward...  
so much easier to just be entertained and forget about what really matters..
i have sat by and watched Guru time and time again give a wake up call 
to humanity about misguided actions and ways...
her efforts are embraced weakly if that and nothing gets done in the way
of aiding the wheels to turn...
there are so many that could be a spokesperson for false Gurus for example
in India...  but few to none have stepped up to the plate...
what more can Guru give or say really?  ...
when something as simple as signing a petition is too much work then really 
what more can be said or done?
the truth is that all of us enjoy the freedom we have due to others suffering and speaking out..
but has this now been taken so casually...
if your world is comfortable and safe now, you are blessed indeed ...
but there are so many that are not safe and do not have these same blessings...
there are many that live in a land ridden with corruption and no opportunity.. 
we can do what we can here to help or turn away and not bother... 
but this is a certainty - that to turn a blind eye is only adding to the problem
doesn't being part of the solution sound so much better? 

maha shanti om


  1. Namaste, thank you to the ones that have signed the petition are part of the solution... om shanti
