when we arrived in india it was late at night..
we took a taxi to our destination (which all i heard is that it was to be a place where Maharishi TM practitioners stay)...
Hridaya had set this up (this is the first time i had met him)...
we arrived late and harried from the wild ride thru the streets of Delhi (where the lines on the roads
were merely *suggestions* as Guruji put it...)
to a mansion type of place that was turned into a hospital or ayurvedic clinic for practitioners of Maharishi...
the place had a huge gate and grounds
inside there were many floors and rooms
the feeling of it was stark and barren as if one had entered another world in which there was little
to no life present...
my son Judah was with us on the trip ...we shared a decent looking room...
we were so exhausted that could barely take in the odd scene and just immediately crashed for several
in the morning we wandered out in the hallways and found no one there -- just empty bare halls and the same, lifeless feeling...
there was a TV room with solely Maharishi TV playing all day long.. this gave a very strange, eery feeling......
finally a little bit of life emerged .. Guruji, Hridaya and some stragglers (TM practitioners) who literally looked like robots and appeared very unwell in mind and spirit...
the few staff there busied themselves giving ayurvedic treatments of all sorts and varieties all day long
so this is what the practitioners talked about all day... what treatment they were receiving and when...
Guruji questioned them a few times about their progress, but they could state absolutely nothing in the
way of experience gained by being under the guideance of Maharishi...
and these were practitioners that had been on the path for upwards of 20-30 yrs plus and had donated a ton of money to their path..
it was a sad scene indeed...
the food was a white porridge type of thing
there may have been another very unmemorable item as well..
this was all that was available to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner....
we stayed in this place several days i recall and it was like being in a sterile lifeless dwelling
(literally) in which the practitioners were completely empty of any spirit or substance...
one day we even snuck out and ate at a Mcdonalds (which didn't have meat as many areas are vegetarian in india).. but whatever we ate it tasted amazing compared to the pitiful meals at the so called *hospital*....
the days there were spent with no valuable input given to the residents .. not one drop of wisdom was imparted that was beneficial... the focus was on the treatments (so very odd)...
the practitioners there were not open by any means to being challenged or could relay one drop of
substance gathered by being on a path for most of their adult life....
it seems if one had walked a path for this long there would be greater health and deeper knowledge, but it was the opposite... the energy there appeared very drained of life -- it just was not a good feeling and completely
lacked balance and anything one could call spirituality...
this just makes one so much appreciate the vibrancy and effectiveness of the path offered by Guruji...
there is no comparison here is all that can be said...
needless to say there were none that protested when our time was done at the clinic...
we packed up quickly on the last day and
off we went on the wild and crazy ride thru the streets of Delhi ..
next stop Haridwar....
Namaste, thank you for sharing these experiences. Om.
ReplyDeleteNamaste -- it really shows the difference between an authentic path in which there is a true Sat Guru at the head compared to the watered down and confused world Guru type of path where the seekers get lost and have no grounding or true growth... truly like night and day ..... shanti om
ReplyDeleteNamaste, much gratitude for the sharing of the India travels -- maha shanti om
ReplyDeleteNamaste -- it seems to be flowing out now... glad it is enjoyed... om shanti
ReplyDeleteNamaste- Very much enjoyed..thank you..Om