Wednesday, January 16, 2013


when the master speaks 
it is to lay open the false patterns of mental ways
and to reveal a deeper seeing that wakes one up 
to reality as it is --
the masters mind is completely cleared of obstructions 
and shields that hide what is pure 
it is this clarity that is so very powerful in creating 
a shake up to ones private world that is so familiar
there is nothing that one can do or say when pure consciousness
strikes the mind deeply --
what is revealed is a *direct* experience of non-dual existence
the mind loses its power to grasp and cover over
and the light that has always been within the center 
is revealed
the direct experience of pure consciousness can come at any hour
any moment
within any experience ...
there is no telling where or when...
when mind does fall 
there is no preparing or inviting it ...
it simply happens as spontaneous as anything in nature ..
without a doer  --
this does not mean that there is no preparing ...
this is the paradox
there absolutely needs to be -- Guru, practices, patience
consistency.. surrender ... all of it very much needs to be in place
for the fruit to ripen....
and drop from the tree...

shanti om