Thursday, January 3, 2013

stay with what is true...

if it were the time of the golden era
where the sages and sadhus freely
travelled about in the open glory of nature
the sky, wind and earth as home
no locks or doors to hide behind...
just the wide boundless expanse in which
to wander freely....
then it would be a completely different atmosphere
than what is the feeling now
so much has happened that makes this world
a hotbed for crime and untruth
and a place of great unrest

even with this friend i tell you be true
seek to destroy the mask of the false (ego)
and do not sit in fear of what may happen next in the world
certainly the happenings are sad indeed and
ring of such misguided actions
and imbalanced minds lacking in honor...
yet there remains within as always the pure core that
can never be touched by any thought or deed..
(no matter how holy or unholy)..
this non-dual consciousness is still the same
and will never change even if a million devastating
disasters hit at once --
it still remains as it is *ONE* --
and can never not be --
it is pure everlasting peace that carries no shadow...

so i urge you friends to not be dampened down
by the actions of the world as it is now..
and to continue with a light heart and deep seeking
that will bring you to fresh waters
as this is the only way humanity can be helped being at a time....
to look outward in hope of repairing what is now so
very broken is not going to solve anything
in a lasting way...
returning to keeping focus on the scriptures
and Guru's pointings
imbibing in the direct and sharp words
of this wisdom is the only true
means of breaking thru and finding lasting peace
that will aide the world just by being what it is --
a pure essence that carries not a single drop
of unrest and internal war within it...
this in itself is what is to be the greatest help
to a suffering humanity...
so please friends
leave the world alone and continue forward
within the light of the teachings as guide
and the basic precepts of honesty, transparency and
integrity as the foundation in which your life
is lived...
this will keep forward momentum going in full..
and give a chance for the false to be
cleared away
for good...

maha shanti om