Saturday, January 12, 2013

fallacy vs reality...

there was a patient i worked with on hospice that was quite
obviously ready to die soon...
he was extremely thin, weak
and had no appetite
he was showing all the signs of a failing body
yet around his entire house
he had taped up all kinds of affirmations
that spoke to a healthy vibrant body and life...
and it was this type of mentality he attached to
even up until his last breathe...
this was not an uncommon happening on hospice
so many clung to the fantasy or projection of what 
they *think* they are or *want to be* versus directly looking at the 
which robbed them of an opportunity to go deeper
and face what was underlying the cover
of projections...
to *see* one needs to sink deeper into the driving 
forces that are creating the suffering patterns
not run or put a more appealing cover over them ..
this really keeps one treading water on the surface
and somewhere deep down there is a feeling 
that they are fooling themselves --
because the mind does not find rest on the surface...

so again, to begin to be free of conditionings 
one needs to see the inherent fallacy that lies within the stories
this takes persistent witnessing, questioning and continuing
to bring the mind back to the moment  --
eventually one will have enough distance to *clearly see*
the rising storylines
and will be shocked at what has been driving the being
for so long...
also it will be seen that this energy has no steady presence
that it comes and goes...  
this is the beginning of discrimination 
which has to be in place for mind to begin to dissolve...
with no discrimination one is truly buying into the story lines
and many times not aware of it at all...
awareness gets sharpened thru the practices and thru grounding
into the pure experience of the moment...  
this is the only way...

self-affirmations are not the way by any means...
they only serve to solidify a separate identity --
ego loves to feel that it has become bigger and better 
and indeed this is what affirmations do...
the true SELF needs no affirming --
it is self evident and eternally present  --
it is revealed when one *stops* affirming that
they are *this* or * that*
or *too much* or *too little*
so please dear ones --
stay persistant with the stories in the way of engaging 
practices and witnessing ...
do not buy into the drama for one minute as not 
one drop of it is *real* and lasting ...
and reality is what is the goal...

great day...
om shanti