the truth cannot be debated
for if there is a *seeing rightly*
there is no disputing it
like a light that shows up a pot
or a vase
it is what it is
and is not open for argument or debate
one of the practices of the
Buddhist monks
is to debate
to one-up the other with
collected knowledge
what a false sham and so very not
in the way of aiding to break through
anything whatsoever..
egoic mind is ridden with desire
and does not want to be called out
it seeks to preserve its imitation of the real
no matter how shabby and misrepresented
it may be
this is why all these manners of debate and such
have risen up
born from the false
and not in any way a true light
and will no way cut through delusion
not for one minute..
Namaste- Thank you..Om