Wednesday, October 21, 2015

this woman that sees

so free is she, 
this woman that sees 
she dwells in the heart 
like a beautiful dove, untouched 
her hair is crimson brown and shines 
like gold when it catches the light 
her mind is made of emeralds rich 
and of the nature element 
her dress is like the moon it shines 
so beautiful, radiant against the darkness 
her eyes pierce the shadow nature and 
are made of grace true 
her lips speak of the one heart of all
that sings through all things and lives 
through all forms and dances through 
all worlds 
she lives in the spirit world like a queen
of heart 
yet she looks to you so very ordinary i 
am sure 
for she is like this in her way 
to speak to you of the time of awakening 
to speak to you that she is awakening to love 
and beauty and joy 
like a flower emerging from the soil of toil 
and suffering 
she rises up with her sturdy stalk
her petals opening slowly to reveal the 
white purity 
how this purity shines in the sun like heaven 
like joy and rebirth 
so full of richness
she is not what you think inside as she is made 
of earth, grit, roots of hearty substance, ground, 
tantra oh yes she is 
what will we call her? hmmmmm
maybe love 
for she is to be on fire soon dear hearts 
and you will know then 
by her way that singes the soul in such a good way
in such a healing way 
it will burn like sweet honey that makes room for the 
light in you 
it will burn like oil that is lit to bring awareness to your mind 
like lightening too that goes in deep and makes the darkness 
oh she will indeed bring her light of awareness to you
how she will
this mystic lady so real 
this mystic lady of heart 

when she comes, she will bring her fresh presence
that is open like a lotus 
it resonates of light and love 
like a lotus, it has risen above the mud of existence 
to be freed from the fetters of mind 
it has risen like a princess of heart that has come 
from the ashes of great suffering 
and is not to be messed with truly friend 
for she is not a one to be taken lightly 
her way is of spirit, it is a disembodied way 
as it has walked through all phases of the journey 
and back again to be here for humanity's sake 
she has come through the mind like a one that has been 
knocked very low and got up to walk again
oh she has my dear and you know not the full of this story
and it matters not 
but she is like this kind of risen up reality within the feminine 
when she walks, she will be inside as shiva 
for he came to her prior to this opening 
and put the trident in her hand and the chandra on her 
head and opened the third eye to be clear and awake 
and from there, the stream of visions poured forth in abundance 
and this is not easy in the least for her 
it is like a stream of reflections that are clear running, running continuous 
and for her to listen to them is not like here is one and then  take a rest and then
another, but like whooosshhh... here is this, this, this .. continuous 
this mystic sage to be is whirling now in the cosmos as a one that is in
the mystic eye and being purified as light 
she is turning about and does not feel it, but grace is making it so
i know this sounds odd to many for how is this so? 
but it is ike the messages just came from this grace, so does this writing 
she is not really writing as Siddhananda... and this is why it sounds impersonal
because it is just flowing due to grace 
i hope this is clear and taken in well by others, but it is what it is ...
and time will tell the story and the ending to be ...

om shanti


  1. Namaste, grateful for her presence in form and grateful for the Grace that moves her. OM

  2. Namaste
    Thanks you for all the beauty you spread mystic lady, Siddhananda
    And for all the beauty to come

    1. namaste, may grace be upon your journey.. shanti om

  3. Namaste - wow powerful could really feel this one. Thankful to be watching your journey unfold and being in your presence...

  4. Namaste,

    Thank you for the message,


  5. Namaste. oh, what powerful, potent beauty is coming forward in this transmission ... may she set all souls alight who have the good grace to encounter her ... may this heart open fully to that purifying fire. Again, thank you so much. om shanti -namita

  6. namaste, thank you all for the comments.. om shanti

  7. Namaste. I just read the your most recent post after this one but as I went to comment, it disappeared. I would just like to say that I found what was written there very helpful fore one who is transcribing and editing the messages that have been brought forward. It brings out a greater depth of feeling understanding in how to best carry out this sacred and beautiful work. Thank you and om shanti. -namita

  8. namaste, this is good to hear... the writing flows spontaneous and is just conveying the experience of being a seer type of medium.. i can only speak to my experience of it .. if it is useful or resonates, then good.. if not, oh well... thank you for the seva given.. shanti om
